Seyii Tolof – Tolof Part 91 (Difficult Marriages – Taking the other Spouse for Granted)


By Amie Sillah
At Sue and Ken’s House
Ken asked Sue to make a choice from the catalogue but she is
humbled and said;
“Ken I want it to be spiritual just a simple Thanksgiving to givepraise to our Lord and Saviour for blessing our family.” Sue posited.
Ken did not agree;
“This is another era for us we have to do everything differently, a
new Sue, a new Ken, new clothes, new shoes new everything, I have the
money and will spend it on my better half.”
“I agree but let us patronize a local designer precisely Mams, she
is my choice and I’ve been wearing her designs. “
“So it is Mams.” Ken concurred.
“Sweetie my desire is instead of wasting our hard earned money on
ceremonies let us establish a foundation after your father who is a
philanthropist champion for education to sponsor poor as well as
deserving students to continue their education up to university; and
also a Counseling Centre for Marriage couple where I’ll work in
partnership with Ndombe Bruce, are you with me?”
He swept her off feet and whirled around with her.
“You are a genius that is why my dad is your fan; we can announce it
at the reception as a new beginning of our rejuvenated love life.”
The Phone Rings
Ken picked it.
“Mr. Manager I pay you good money to manage my company manage it
well without me and please do me this favour never ring me when I am
at home with my family, thank you and good bye.”
Sue smiled and kissed his forehead.
The couple left for an outing to pick their children on the way back home.
At the Reception
Close family friends and relatives attended the ‘love celebration’.
The couple are on top of the world behaving like newly weds to the
love and appreciation from all attendees.
As they entered they met with Ndombe, the counselor and she greeted
them warmly.
“You are the one responsible for this great occasion we are
celebrating.” They pecked her.
“You made it possible; you are an institution that women should
learn from. “ Ndombe responded.
Son and Dad
Ken rushed to greet and appreciate his dad when he saw him.
“You never disappointed me and you are always present when I need
you; I love you dad!” The men hugged.
“Anything  for you my son!” Dad responded.
Sue rushed to greet and embrace him.
“Thank you dad for honouring our invitation at the last hour.”
“Anything for you my loving children, my brilliant beautiful
daughter in law in the whole universe.” He called upon the invitees to
toast for his son and daughter.
“I call Sue my daughter without the in law because Susan is an
embodiment of wisdom, simplicity and a virtuous woman they put
together this gathering to thank God for what he has done in their
family life, when I received the invitation I was thrilled and said
this is what we discussed in our circle that love begins at home and
moves out to the school then the community, bravo, let us toast for
The invitees toasted to the couple and they kissed each other.
Che and Lolly
They did the same and are very much inspired by the celebrants.
They toasted for love and said;
“Look at the couple behaving like newly weds; I love you Lolly;”
“Che I love you more!” They kissed each other.
Abou Dande stood chatting with an invitee as Ken approached him and asked;
“Do you want to spoil my day? What are you doing here?”
“It is not what you think!” Sue explained.
“Shut up!” He scolded her.
“Are you talking to me?” Abou asked.
“Who invited you?” He scolded.
“I do!” Ndombe majestically walked to him.
Ken is flabbergasted.
“Madam! You of all people? I thought you are family friend?”
Ndombe kissed Dande and said;
“Meet my husband!”
There was laughter all over.
“Your husband? I am the greatest fool on earth!”
Sue laughed heartily and said;
“It was decoy, I was never dating any one!”
“Take it easy! You want to hit me!” Dande teased and everyone laughed.
“You are welcomed!”
“I can kill you!” He hugged Sue away.
As dad was showing appreciation and lecturing on love Moni came in
with her lover and Ken looked at her but Sue drew his face smiled and
gave him a kiss.
Ken appreciated dad and said,
“You would be proud of my input when you see it.” He bluffed.
“But I am yet to see your quarterly report?” Dad said.
“The Auditor is ready but is yet to forward the last report.”
“We have made a good profit.” Ken reported.
“Then can you afford the latest Range Rover Sport?”
Ken laughed and answered in the positive as mom smiled appreciating her son.
To the surprise of everyone dad said;
“Buy her one!” Pointing at Sue who exclaimed and thanked dad as mom
frown and the invitees applauded. The couple kissed each other.
End of EPISODE 7.