Seyii Tolof – Tolof – Part 590 EPISODE 37 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Domm Ju Gorr’ The Value of the Male Child)


She earlier told Jambi her mind;
“Since I came into the house I see you glued to your Lab Top 24 – 7 don’t you have rest days or rest hours? If you do it is okay but if you don’t you have to rethink your situation all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy also play and no work also makes him a foolish boy. Your parents asked me to call you to come to the dining and I agree with them join them please for fresh air. Excuse me my mouth is big I don’t gossip I am concern with your health think about it.”

“Stop! What audacity to tell me this no one has ever told me this? I am a Holly Wood Script Writer and I am being paid $20, 000 per hour you know how much I make within a month? Which establishment can pay me this? I love my work you a no body can tell me what and what not to do? Indeed you have a big mouth but mind your class you can go but never judge me again.”

“I am very sorry Sir I am just concern about your health but my mom used to tell me that money is not everything if someone looks only for money the wise one looks for people because if you get people you’ll also get money, moreover, your health is everything if you get money and lose your health will you be happy? This is the hard fact that nobody ever tell you I am a friend and I am very concern you are the husband of my boss and friend Taaru if you are sick she will be sad and I also will be sad as well as your parents and your daughter Salaah. I am very sorry if I hurt you by my big mouth.”

She went to the other Maidens and look very sad;
“I feel pity for Jambi work! Work! And work all the time no rest what sort of life is this? I told him and he was not pleased with my audacity who am I to tell him my mind? Am I his equal? I am in trouble and can get the sack please help me God.”

“Did he tell you his sort of work?”

“He did he said he works for Holly Wood as a Specialist Script Writer and is being paid $20, 000 per hour I know that’ a huge amount of money but does it mean he has to be over work and ruin his health if he is sick can he enjoy his great wealth? He needs a break no one has ever told him this before I did ‘lumasi gobe garr’ whatever the consequences I bear the cross so help me God.”

“It is a class society be careful how far you go with the class people even with the well composed Taaru just mind your business.”

“Thank you for your kind advice.”

She met her husband who was in a reflective mood and said;
“I’ve cooked a good dish for you today it is no maiden but your lovely wife taste and tell me how it taste.”

“You are talking about food and how it taste yes, Yaaga is a good cook her food is nice I enjoyed it very much.”

Naively she did not notice any change in her husband’ voice she replied;
“It is very good to hear this good news, didn’t I tell you, you’ll soon bear her audacity; I am going to bed early tomorrow I’ve a lot of work to do good night!” She kissed her passionately but Jambi was passive but she did not notice.

“Look at this insensitive lady she did not even enquire about my work situation but Yaaga did; I am a workaholic which is not good for my health but she is not concern only about herself; since Yaaga mention this element which was never address by any person not even my lovely wife and my parents I am in deep reflection; money is not everything I have millions but I am still not happy just look at this ordinary girl always happy and cheerful with nothing? With all my degrees and money she taught me a life lesson which I’ll never forget and I am deeply indebted to her forever.
   Since she told me I am now resting and feeling better my stress is gone; being overwork is not good for health, also money is not happiness, happiness is content, relax mind and so on. Thank you very much Yaaga you are a real friend in need, a friend indeed.” He laughed by himself hilariously.

She is ever obsessed with Jambi;
“Now my threat is not Taaru but that bigot of a maiden Yaaga she is a snake under green grass and should not be underrated I have to do something wise and sensible.”
To Be Cont.