Seyii Tolof – Tolof – Part 588 EPISODE 37 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Domm Ju Gorr’ the Value of the Male Child)


“Do you like the room?” She asked Yaaga.

“Like is an underestimation I love it in fact I’ve never have such room since I was born the room is executive thank you my sister you have never changed the same compassionate Taaru all inclusive never exclude any human being.”

“This is an executive mansion everything is classic your dress is unacceptable it is shabby.”

“I am very sorry this is the only decent dress I have.”

“Talking about dress here take it and change your wardrobe.” She gave her a pad full of new money.

She was flabbergasted;
“This is too much Taaru you have already paid my salary I am not complaining I did not expect it  all the same thank you very much I’ll change my wardrobe to your satisfaction.”

“You’ll not be wearing uniform you are special just like me only know that and I’ll be fine. When you are established I’ll increase your salary, relax and go and see more of your room.” She thanked her and Taaru left for work.

As a manipulator she drew the attention of the other staff;
“have you seen what I am seeing?”

Suwerr and Anta
“What are you seeing which we have not seen?”

She became angry at them;
“Are you dummies? Have you not seen that Yaaga is not wearing uniform why is she treated differently? Is she not a staff member? Maama Linguerre’ attention should be drawn to it what Madam Taaru is doing is not fair at all she has make this gutter maiden cross her limit and lord it over us.”

“Sly watch your steps didn’t you promise to be of good behaviour and asked for a second chance? Who gave you the second chance was it not Madam Taaru? You are just like a sister I don’t want to see you in trouble because of your big mouth and sinister character let the sleeping dog lie Yaaga though ragged is Madam Taaru’ favourite let her be and mind your work here.”

“This is not fair it is injustice and I’ll be dam to keep quiet. I want Jambi and if I don’t have him no one would not to talk about that jombi.” She fumed.

She continued her protest to Suwerr and Anta;
“How can Madam Taaru brought in another maid after distrusting us? This is very unfair; what did this Yaaga of a girl has which is absent from us? Is her juju on Taaru more powerful than us?” She asked more unanswered questions as they just stared at her to do the talking as they listened.

She became sarcastic;
“You have to start fellowship it will be very good for you.” She left and Anta followed her.

“Look at these dummies they don’t know anything.” She hissed.

The new Housekeeper
She is a good cook she served the household diligently but both Dad and Mom were uncomfortable of how she was waiting on then Taaru and Jambi entered the dining she sensed that both Papa and Maama were uncomfortable then she said;
“It is okay Yaaga you can leave don’t wait on them  they are informal.”

“Okay thank you.” She left clumsily.

Taaru and Jambi
“I am very sorry she is new to the job but give her time she will adjust.”

“Where did you get her she is very raw and needs a lot of polishing.”

“I’ll help her she is my school mate friend since we were very young and I found her in a despicable position and decided to help her and her child.”

“She has a way with words.” He said.

“I am very sorry but I reassure you I’ll work on her character but just trust me over this.”

She is scared with her utterances and felt that she will lose her job she expressed her feelings to the other staff;
“My big mouth always puts me in trouble I am scared I can lose my job.”

Suwerr and Anta
“Cool your nerves you have not done anything wrong just freedom of expression.”

She joined the conversation and expressed negativity;
“Your mouth have put you into deep shit you might lose your job just keep on praying they will see it as stepping over your bounds.”

She became scared but Suwerr and Anta reassured her;
“You expressed your freedom of expression nothing bad you’ll be alright trust us ignore malicious gossip.”

The staff left her more confuse than ever.

She came from work and went to her room she found her quite worried about the morning incident.
“Why are you still worried?”

“I am very old fashioned I don’t think I can continue working here my mouth is big I talk impulsively.”

“It is nothing the old people have forgotten as for Jambi he was expressing himself freely they’ll all get used to you it will  be fine also just know their class it is not easy but you too have to adjust. I see you as an old friend who was very helpful to me at school.”

“You are very nice Taaru we are at different class level you are now my boss and I have to respect you go I’ll be after you. Transformation takes time it is a process not automatic.”
To be Cont.