Seyii Tolof – Tolof Part 575 EPISODE 37 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Domm Ju Gorr’ The Value of the Male Child’)


At the Drug Store
He went to the drug store and bought some contraceptive for Yaga;
“This girl is over fertile every kick becomes a baby if I follow her we will give birth to a football team with some reserves but this time around I’ll ensure she takes her pill regularly.”

She went to the clinic as she was feeling feverish she met one of her classmates Hanju who is more
mature than her they sat next to each other Yaga because of the repeated abortions looked a bit older than her but suddenly when Yaga spoke to Nasaah who was leaving Hanju recognized her voice and alerted her;

“Are you Yaga?” She nodded her head and asked;

“Do you know me?”

“Did you not attend ABZ School at the cross road?”

“Yes I do from Nursery to Middle School who are you and what are your names? Am sorry I am now so out of touch I seem to forget everyone.”

“I am Hanju Saine we were classmates and best of friends. Does my name ring a bell?”

She thought hard then yelled;
“You are right Hanju Saine close to the cross road yes you were my best friend what are you doing now?”

“I am at the University studying General Nursing specializing in Midwifery what are you doing my friend and sister?”

She thought hard and paused then said;
“I am doing nothing at the moment I am a school drop out after losing my mom and living with my horrible step mother who is a witch she made my dad despised and asked me out of his house and my boyfriend Nasaah took me in that’ where I am living now.”

Before she completed her sentence she took it from her;
“Living with him as what? Has he married you?”

She paused and hesitated
“No! We are co-habiting.”

“Are you kidding me? Are you serious? What did your parents say? Society will chide you as being loose, not trained and useless moreover, how would the man see you? As cheap, worthless! No! No! No! A smelly mouth can only be said by a genuine sister, assess yourself and change for better.”
“What were you doing at the clinic?” Hanju asked.

“I came for pregnancy test I missed my monthly period again.”

“Were you pregnant before this one?”

“Yes I was I easily miss my period.”

“Where is that child a boy or a girl?”

“I aborted it my man Nasaah is unemployed just on ‘rabaraba’ if a child is included is ‘warhala’ therefore I have to abort it I was careless on contraceptive but not anymore.”

“Abortion is dangerous, your womb can be damaged or you can lose your life are you aware of that?”

“Yes I am but everything is will by God if he says that I’ll die in abortion it will happen also if he says my womb will be damaged it will.”

“Do you believe that or you are just trying to cover up to continue your carefree life? Will have more discussion; it’s a date.” The two friends parted ways.

Pa Gela
He rang Jambarr but he refused to return his call;
“I don’t care but will tell him the truth, Maama Linguerre is playing double game I cannot understand this woman why does she vacillates when it is time to tell our son the truth? I don’t care whether he is vexed or not I have to protect our family heritage.”

Pa Gela
He called Taaru aside and told her his worries;
“Your husband does not care and I need your help.’

She pretended not to understand to learn more from Pa Gela;
“What has he done again?”

Pa Gela
“Your husband loath our customs and traditions he makes himself an American yes he is a dual citizen but he is born and bred in this country and we are from the ruling family; my dad gave the ancestral tool to me and I have to give mine to him; unfortunately his mom got complications at his birth the reason why her womb was not fruitful; I love her just as he love you I resisted family pressure to take in a mistress or better till marry a second wife; thus my predicament I should have done common sense and not follow my passion; look at what it has done to me? Your stupid husband refuses to help me obtain my goal.
Get pregnant and produce a boy- child to save our Tool it should not go to another family due to your husband’ foolishness and stubbornness. He refused to offend you but have pity on a desperate old man also don’t tell him that I have discussed with you.”   
He stooped down before Taaru a small child who felt embarrassed;
“Stand up Pa it is undone you embarrassing me I’ve heard you.”
To be Cont.