Seyii Tolof – Tolof – Part 574 EPISODE 37 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Domm Ju Gorr’ The Value of the Male Child)


Her prize is Jambi; how can she seduce him to be her man any kind of relationship is good for her;
“It is difficult for this love bird to be separated from his Queen but I don’t mind being his mistress who will give him the coveted prize of a son to continue his lineage according to his father.”

“Are you not a dreamer? You want to put asunder what God has put together, it is an uphill task and I pray you fail miserably for harbouring such a wicked thought towards a couple who are nice to us all.”

Herengne (Charles)
He is the Administrator of the Mansion lack of a good paying job after graduation led him to work for the family which attracts a fat salary with fringe benefits health and education have been catered for his immediate family.
He found the ladies gossiping and he warned them to go back to their work but Ayan contradicted and accused him;

“Acting holier than thou who say you don’t gossip and engage in flirt? All men are the same I’ll set a trap for you the other day I saw how you were flirting with that handmaiden Horejah.”

“Are you not fabricating? You cannot spoil my name do you think I am a flirt like you? Deny that you were chasing me until I turn down your offer? Stop your evil schemes do you think I don’t know the dirty scheme you set for the couple? Even if you are naked before Jambi he will take you mad and take you to a psychiatric home just try it.”

“I am a schemer and I’ll ensure you lose your job here.”

“Try it I am a graduate for God sake I can find a job unlike you who rely on ‘bottom power’ you foolish compromise woman.”

“You’ll see my wrath it is a promise.” Charles left and Worsack take along her friend;

“Are you not evil? Why do you want to destroy good people? Nemesis would one day catch up with you just wait and see I’ll be here to remind you of your bad deeds.”

Ayan Tricks
She played camera tricks on Charles and sent the pictures to Pa Gela who summoned a family meeting with all the household workforce.
He showed them the pictures, Charles felt ashamed and exposed her threat to harm him to lose his job.

Pa Gela
“Why didn’t you inform us earlier to prevent her threat? The nude pictures are not good for the image of our family; are you porno stars?”

She defended Charles’ character;
“There is a problem somewhere Charles is of good character.”

Pa Gela
“He is a young man everything is possible my daughter.” He rebuffed them and said;
“Every person needs a second change I’ll forgive both of you but next time you are both fired before you corrupt the other staff with your nonsense.”

He surprised everyone by tendering his resignation and it came to the ears of Taaru who summoned him;

“I heard you tendered your resignation today why?”

“My nice lady a trickster has taken over my space I have no problem with any one before this incident before she ruined my legacy in this household I’ll leave for her.”

“She is evil I saw it in her eyes she was telling lies against you don’t go anywhere your good deeds will absolve you.”

“I am very sorry I have made up my mind I have saved enough money I am going back to school to do my Masters.” He left and the Handmaidens were devastated.

The staff was angry with her and set a trap for her;

“Oh poor Charles I felt for him just like that he resigned from his job.”

“Didn’t I tell you nobody ‘eyefit’ and stay in your job here I played camera trick on him and cast doubt on his character so all of you be warned anyone who crosses my interest will be crushed just like Charles.”
She was recorded unknown to her.

Pa Gela
He again called an emergency meeting.

“Emergency meeting over and over again what is this we are tired.”

Pa Gela
He played the tape and Ayan was shocked to death as she attacked Worsack for betrayal;

“So you betrayed me because of your lover boy Charles; were you not flirting with him and I cover you up?”

”She is lying she is a schemer.”

Pa Gela
He asked Ayan to leave his premises immediately;
“As you are going out get your allowance and one month pay good luck.”

The Staff
They are relieved that one rotten potato has been removed from the lot.
To be Cont.