Seyii Tolof – Tolof – Part 573 EPISODE 37 (Difficult Marriages – .’Domm Ju Gorr’ The Value of the Boy Child)


He was enraged as he referred such Custom and Tradition as archaic, uncivilized and out of touch he shared his feelings with his wife and friend;
he was shaking with anger and Taaru enquired about the problem;
“It is that stupid father of mine;” Before he continued Taaru interrupted him;
“Please my husband don’t say that again we may disagree with them but have to show them respect they sacrificed and trained us to be what we are today what has he said again?”

“He said why are you still not pregnant; that they are expecting a boy child from you to continue the Chieftaincy lineage if not our family will lose a ‘so-called’ traditional tool; I am not interested in that in fact Yakarr is now our whole concern and if we are to have a second child I don’t mind whether it’s a boy or girl a child is a child and we will give her/him whatever is needed to climb to higher heights.”

“I understand but let us tread cautiously all the blame will be heaped upon me.”

“Don’t you worry don’t say anything side by side will fight all the injustices heap upon women/girls will be eradicated; take your space we will get another child as plan and also will accept any sex God gives us; I’ll never marry another woman according to our vows if they marry a wife for me it is their business not mine.”
The duo hugged, kissed and fondly gave strength to each other.

Yaga is Nasax’ girlfriend he exploits her naiveté they lived in co-habitation he asks him to commit abortion three times  at the moment she is feverish Nasax went to the pharmacy to buy her some drugs. Yaga is a drop out and is now totally dependent on her lazy boyfriend who detests hard work he wants it easy going stealing or selling harsh.

His lumpen friend Fire
He paid Nasax visit and started to chide his girl -friend;
“Boy! Where have you been all these days you did not vous with us what’ wrong?”

“My girl-friend is feverish I have to stay at home and nurse her.”

He got heated;
“What do you say hear yourself? Is she a baby to nurse? Are you a weakling when courting how will you behave when you are married? Are you going to be wife wrapper? Wake up boy and smell the coffee.”

He was enraged as he insulted and went out to fight with fire who provoked him but Yaga held him back;

“My darling it is okay don’t fight your friends because of me they are right you have stayed enough now go out and work when I am okay I’ll also go out to find any work to support us especially when we get married.”

“But we are already married what is there that married couple do and us not doing it? It is just a formality but you’ll finally be my wedded wife. I’ll love and support you as long as we lived.”

“You are right Na but society did not see it that way to them it is co-habitation and not marriage we have to try and legalize it.”

“Okay sweet heart just give me little more time to find a good job with good pay I want to treat you as the Queen that you are.”
He went to buy Yaga garri for breakfast.

“Come and partake in the food it is too much for me to finish.”

“I am fine just eat to get well with speed.” He did not go out but stayed.

“You can now go I released you.”

“Are you sure?” She shook her head.
“Okay if you say so but I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

“Buy me some fruits and vegetables to cook vegetable soup.”
“Okay my love I’ll just do as you say.” He kissed and left.

At the Mason
The household employs five hand maidens and four house boys and an administrator of the household.
Their names are Worsack who is very talkative but also intelligent; Ayan who is envious, a gossip and very seductive she can do anything to get want she wants her motto is ‘use what you have to get what you want.’ Let us hear the duo’ conversation;
“The Son of the House is smart, intelligent and loving look at how he pampers his wife he calls her Sunshine, Sweet Heart that is the kind of husband I want just look at it Jambi is not worried that she can only bear him a girl child who is not valued in our society especially him being in a traditional household in a traditional society. I’ll seduce him and bear him a son even if he did not marry me; I heard Chief’ conversation with his son he is pressurizing him for his wife to bear a boy child he was enraged he does not care what sex his wife brings and is not interested she gets pregnant so soon.”
To be Cont.