Seyii Tolof- Tolof – Part 557 EPISODE 36 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Torohal Jiigeen’ Gender-Based-Violence)


At Penda’ Residence
The Girls visited Aunty Penda to report Aunty Becky.

The Girls
“Aunty Becky is wicked she maltreats us in our parents’ home what a cheek! Should we suffer because a miser took over our home? We should have gone official but our late mother desist such an action she believed in relationship therefore since she is no more we need your advice before any action.”

Aunty Penda
She hugged and praised them;
“Wise, mature girls your decision is commended go back to your home act normal I’ll come there to address the situation.” She kissed them and they left.

Uncle James
He is an angel so kind and soft spoken he dots on the Girls’ especially now when tragedy struck.
The Girls came and found him at home cleaning the house;
“Where is Aunty Becky?” The asked.
“She has gone out anything the matter?”

The Girls
“No! No! we just thought she should be around to help and not leave all the work on your head you are so willing never say no like other men; my dad never helped my mom when she was alive in fact he ordered her around to do everything and he never appreciated her efforts but look at you doing everything and Aunty Becky always scolds you; why is your relationship so toxic when you are doing everything right?”

Uncle James
“Becky cheated on me I was a middle manager we have a joint account when we get married I trusted and loved her my mother and sister warned me not to join accounts with her but I was deeply in love and believed in ‘love is blind’ my mother and sister hated her with passion as she also reciprocated the relationship was cut off and they strongly believed she cast a spell on me I was very naïve and does not believe fetish things. I never check our account; Becky drained us white with extravagant lifestyle, engaged in competition with her negative friends she refused to invest in productive ventures to cater for lean time; I was sacked when new management took over our company its excuse was the company was over staffed; our marital problems magnified when I lost my job and it became difficult to have a job again. She now treats me as thrash your very self -have seen it all but I’ll surprise her someday nemesis and the Law of Khmer will be her guest.”

Aunty Becky
She came and found the Girls helping Uncle James in the house keeping she scolded them;
“Have you done your homework?”

The Girls
“We have and are now helping Uncle clean up the house.”

Aunty Becky
“Go back to your room it is okay don’t make your uncle lazy by doing his work for him.”

The Girls
“It is not a big deal we can always help our good uncle.”

Aunty Becky
“Go to your room or go and play I can help my husband and not you.”

The Girls
They ignored her instructions as they continue their house chores.

Aunty Becky
She went straight to Uncle James and gave him a nasty slap and he protested;

Uncle James
“What have I done to deserve such an embarrassment from you?”

Aunty Becky
“Are you asking me?” She wanted to double it but the Girls held her hand tight.

The Girls
“We will be damn to allow you molest Uncle James like thrash he is a good guy please give him respect he did everything for you while he can now he cannot because of your wastefulness you cannot blame him for what you’ve done to him due to your extravagant lifestyle.”

Aunty Becky
She was shocked and asked;
“Who told that? Was James gossiping to you about me?”

The Girls
“Aunty Becky! Why are your jittery? Does the cap fit you? We will never allow you molest Uncle James in our house.”

A Knock At the Door
    “Who is it? Come right in the door is open.”

A Guest
Aunty Becky
She went to open the door;
“Good afternoon I am Penda can I see my girls?”

“Who are your girls?” Aunty Becky asked with rudeness.

Aunty Penda
“Baange and Herengne.”

Aunty Becky
“They are not here they have travelled; the Girls heard her and rushed out to greet their aunt as they pushed Aunty Becky out of the way.

The Girls
“She is lying we are here she is very wicked to her husband and to us don’t mind her come in and address her.”

Aunty Penda
She called a family meeting to address the issue rose by the Girls and asked them to speak their mind in front of everyone.

The Girls
“Aunty Becky deny us food and maltreats us in our house at first we bore it but she persisted and said until we bow down to her she will teach us a lesson an irony what can Aunty Becky teach us when she maltreats her husband daily and treats him as thrash? She has to treat us with respect or leave we don’t need a bully aunt period!”

Aunty Penda
“The Girls has spoken what do you have to say?”

Aunty Becky
She became furious;
“I don’t have anything to say who are you, an attorney or a judge? I don’t recognize your arbitration leave our house, our business busybody!”

The Girls
“How can you speak to our Aunty as such? We recognize her more than you she was always here with our mom while she was alive; where were you then? Didn’t you malice our mom until she died? Leave our house and now!”

Aunty Penda
“Take it easy Girls she is a fool we will teach her a lesson.” She called them aside and strategized with them. 
To be Cont.