Seyii Tolof –Tolof – Part 548 EPISODE 36 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Torohal Jiigeen’ Gender –Based – Violence)


The Trio
They make fun of Nyanga’ experience and the lies to cover up his wife’ beatings;
“He covers up the macho of his ego it serves him right he has learn the wrong way.”
“Desperate times desperate measures.”
“I fear the syndrome of second wife therefore I have to succumb.”
“Penda! Do you still love your husband? I fear a rival as Maama always threatens and sings it in his ears and also even though a sadist and rapist I love him and he knows that and also an irony I am also used to the rape it no longer bothers me.”
“Different women difficult positions and different perspectives we have a commonality we are all women but we also have our differences, specificities and divergences it must be recognized so each woman has to be treated differently. I respect your opinions but for me my mind is resolved no more violations tit for tat if he prefers peace I’ll give it to him 100% if he prefers violence the same 100% let him now decide our marriage it is in the balance but whatever he decides I don’t give a dam if he asks for divorce I’ll give it to him without any qualm. I don’t need his support I am empowered my salary can support my family and I. We don’t need a bully in our life. I have asked my company to give me a home to be deducted monthly from my salary I am a graduate for God sake why should I allow that beast of a husband to turn my life upside down?”
The Duo
The Duo admired and applauded her
“Good luck in your struggle may God give you victory amen O amen!
Beatrice House
“You are back to your death trap my brother will never change i overheard him swearing to teach you the bitterest lesson of your life; that you carelessly kill his first male child and he is mean he really means it run! run! for your dear life is my candid advice.”
She laughed it off;
“But where to? My sister is living with her two kids all teenagers and her husband is also there he will not condone his wife to be blamed for our woes and I don’t want to bother people with my problems let me bear it if he kills me the state will take care of him.”
“Look for another alternative i am ready to help with the rent and feeding you can find room and parlour which will not be expensive if he kills you, you are gone but what about your beautiful girls how will they cope? Think about it Beatrice life is too sweet to lose also if there is a will there is a way.”
“I’ll keep on praying there is nothing that prayers cannot do?”
“I don’t want to blaspheme prayers are good but not on abusive relationship act now before it is too late if you continue here sooner or later you are dead bully hates you with a passion i can see his red eyes he is my brother and he is very mean he hates you now that you are an obstacle to him finding another wife to give him a boy child run my sister run! true love cannot inflict great pain.”
“I am very sorry sang my greatest weakness is that i love your brother greatly.”
“But am sorry he detests you and you should believe me this once. live for yourself, your girls and us the extended family who love you greatly we don’t want to lose you.”
He hugged her to show great empathy and then left quite worried of the morrow.
Sally, The Counselor
Sally came excited and hilarious she rushed to solomon and said;
“Sweetie it is confirmed looked at the report.”
“What is the excitement all about?” He looked at it and said;
“Come here let me do it again on the hold it was ‘Sakara’”
He dragged her to the bed and raped her again! and again until she start bleeding then he got up and went to the shower he gleed;
“This lady is a horse how can she be pregnant in rape? I don’t want her to be happy that’ why i was raping her and look at her happy with an issue from rape I cannot understand women.”
Blood was ozing profusely under her and she became afraid and asked;
“What is happening to me? I’ve patiently waited for 11 years since my marriage without an issue now I’ve taken in who cares a pregnancy is a pregnancy who cares whether it is a product of rape I’ll now hold my first child in my hands and no one would call me barren again neither my husband nor my mother-in-law and what is happening now? She asked as she put her finger under her lumps of clotted blood came out and she sobbed bitterly what she worst fear abortion has occurred because of Solomon’ violent rape she got up and moved towards the bathroom where she heard the shower drops;
“The beast is taking shower.”
She is disappointed and all alone wild thoughts of revenge occupied her mind; what was she going to do?
To be cont.