Seyii Tolof – Tolof Part 17 (Difficult Marriages)


By Amie Sillah Confrontation Baa came and heard noises coming from the Boys’ Quarters and he called the security Musa. Baa “I heard voices coming from the Boys’ Quarters who is there, obviously not spirits and I did not remember letting it to anyone?” Musa “It is your brother’s fiancée Madam gave the keys to Burang yesterday and he has brought in his luggage.” Baa “What! That is an insult to my leadership!” He rushed to the Quarters and asked to see Jonsi. Jonsi She came out shaking due to the tone of voice. “Yes Sir! Good evening!” Baa “What are you doing in my house? Where is my brother and I want to see him and now.” Jonsi “He’s gone to the provinces and will be coming by the weekend.” Baa “Get out of my house and now, Burang is already married to someone with family name who can add something to our family; who are your family? Do you have a family name? Please we are from a poor family and now want to climb the social ladder of success. Good riddance to bad rubbish.” Jonsi She packed her luggage and left for her family home. Her mother was not happy that she went to live with Burang. Aunty Bintou “Why should you live with a man who has not married you yet? He will hold you cheap and can never respect you even if he marries you. That is not favoured by our custom and tradition, society cannot respect you in concubinage and the man will always take you for granted. You see it now after spending 9 valuable years with you his brother has found him a wife and you are dumped in the cold. Learn from your lesson and value yourself as a precious woman.” Burang “Where is my sunshine?” He shouted when he found the Quarters under lock and key. He then called Musa and enquired about Jonsi. “Where is Jonsi?” He asked with anxiety. Musa “Boss sent her packing.” Burang    “Which boss sent her packing, my brother?” Musa nodded yes. He became enraged; “How could he treat such an innocent girl with such cruelty?” He went to her house. At Jonsi’s House She saw him and hid herself as Aunty Bintou came out of the room to challenge him and cut him to size. Aunty Bintou “What are you doing at my humble abode? We don’t have a family name, do we? We don’t have successful academics or business persons in our family, but we have dignity, pride and honour. pPease go back to your rich spouse and stop harassing my daughter and also thank you for wasting 9 years of her valuable life with you and spending 3 years after school as your concubine.” Burang He stooped before his fiancée’s mother and explained himself.    “I am just from trek and found Jonsi out and our Quarters under lock and key. Musa told me what happened but believe me I am no part of it; I was never married and Jonsi is my choice and no one not even my arrogant elder brother can do anything about it; please call Jonsi for me to talk to her face to face.” Aunty Bintou “My daughter is upset and does not want to see you. Go back to your haughty brother and settle down with the rich wife he found for you; good bye and good luck.” Aunty Bintou shut him out. Burang He went home and confronted his brother.How could you do this to me? How could you tell her you’ve married a rich wife for me? And also emphasizing faith to them? I cannot believe this!” Baa “You better believe it, you should have the guts to be successful in life. I think straight and have found you a rich wife, her name is Angela Diborr Nying (PhD) in Business Administration, LLB in Corporate Law and BA in Management (General); and moreover she once was a campus beauty queen in her university. Her father Sir Augustine is a Billionaire and has conglomerate doing various businesses on soft and hard wares.” He sweet tongued him into believing everything would be okay. Burang He was in a dilemma; he was unable to fend for himself and as a result he became a hostage to his cunning, sly brother who became the piper to set the tune.” He bowed to common sense and thus betrayed his long time love. Arranged Marriage Rich marriage of the century was contracted in pomp and show graced by the ‘big shots’ of society, money was sprinkled like rain as the rich surpassed each other in display of wealth and vanity. Burang’s conscience kept burdening him but he masked it with acid plastic smiles, Alhassan travelled just to escape himself from the drama. Another friend Bysenty who came from abroad replaced Alhassan as his best man and Dibor’s cousin Majula became their chief bridesmaid. Alhassan He cannot bear the betrayal and has to travel to avoid the ordeal. “Jonsi, Burang and I were school mates and very good friends. After wasting her time for 9 years he has now decided to betray her and marry a rich girl his brother found for him. I have nothing to do with such a betrayal because Jonsi is still my best friend and has great trust in me; I just don’t care if Burang gets hurt or not; let him go to hell and rot there.” Surprises Sir Augustine threw a classic party for the newly wed and also threw in many surprises. After the party, he took them to big duplet and handed keys to the couple who were overwhelmed. Sir Augustine “That is not all!” He pointed to a covered jeep and said;That is your family car to run your errands and that is not all, I’ll draw a cheque of D10, 000, 000. 00 (ten million) to start a joint account for both of you which can be drawn only if both of you agree. I’ll also sponsor your honey moon to any place of your choice.” The Couple Burang was not comfortable but he pretended to be on top of the game supported by Baa and Jahanke. “Thank you dad! We are overwhelmed and would put everything into good use and would never let you down.” Honey Moon The couple went to Seychelles for their honey moon. They spend a month living as man and wife in heavens. Then they returned back home to face the reality of life. Was the couple compatible, did Burang’s life get fulfilled? To be Cont.  ]]>

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