Seyii –Tolof – Part 90 EPISODE 7 (Difficult Marriages – Taking the other Spouse for Granted)


By Amie Sillah

Frank Discussion
“I took advantage of your love and submissiveness but I’ll manage,” Ken said.
“That is the problem, I have tasted freedom, I don’t want to manage. I want my love and my husband back.”“Then have back everything.”
“The way it is or it was?”
“Redefined!   I want my love, my friend, protector, home maker, wife, companion, mother of my children!”
“Your maid?”
“No! Not again I’ll love and cherish you in everything!”
She accepted him with an emotional outburst and they both shed emotional tears.
“I love you! Love you! I love you!” Sue expressed her heart.
Ken sobbed heavily as Sue caressed him.

At the Counselor’s Office
“Summarize!” She smiled.
Ken: “I want my wife back tear the papers!”
Ndombe: “Impossible! You are officially divorced, you know.”
Ken: “I don’t understand what you represent? An adviser, lawyer or psychologist, divorce takes longer, you just gave us papers to sign!” He chided Ndombe.
Ndombe protested and told him off.
“I did your family a special favour when you begged me to do a secret divorce until your dad’s election which I did. What I should get now is gratitude not an attitude, your request was granted on a platter of gold with no cost.”
“Be calm my sister you’ve done your best and we are grateful.”
Ken apologized.
“I did your family a favour saving them from scandal.”
“I am loosing it Ndombe, can’t you see it? Just tear the papers we have decided….”
“To remarry!” Sue finished the sentenced as Ken stared in disbelief.
“Remarry! What am I going to tell my family and friends, nobody knows we are divorced.”
“Nobody will know we will just alert the priest in private to renew our vows and invite our family, friends to join us in a reception to celebrate love that’s all!” Sue explained calculatively.
“Please talk to her Ndombe she is taking this too far, I am now a changed man!”
“Go home think and talk about it. There is no time for me I’ll be taking my leave and also attending CSW (Commission on the Status of Women) meeting in New York and from there I will be taking 3 months leave spending it with my husband working in Geneva.”
“3 months leave! That is a long period! Let us decide it here and then.” He begged.
“Whatever you decide let me know.” Ndombe bade them off.

At Home
“The children would soon come and I don’t want them to find us in such a condition. We will just go and renew our vows.” Ken pleaded.
“When?” Sue asked.
“Very soon!”
“Okay until then we are not married and I can’t lie to the kids.”
Ken stooped before Sue and begged for his life.
“I’ll be better in everything and now you’ll be the judge of my action, honestly I am losing it and if we continue like this it is very unfortunate!” He sighed and left with dejection.

“I can’t lose everything! Wisdom is in principle thinking! I love you Ken! I can’t lose you!” She called and ran after him.

After a Good Exciting Night: Ken got up glowing and singing after an exciting good night with his wife. He served her breakfast in bed. He woke her up.
“Sweetie! Breakfast is served!” Sue rubbed her eyes looked at the clock and exclaimed.
“It is 8 o’clock! Today is work!” She reminded him.
“Hey! Take it easy! Who is the boss at my company?” He caressed her face and whispered.
“Today my work is here! Thank you for last night! You see I am alive!” He gave her some passionate lip kisses and kept on singing love songs.
Their love waxed and got stronger after the storm.

At Ken’s House
Present were Grandma, Ndombe and the couple, Sue sat at Ken’s lap as he caressed her.
Ken gave his mom an invitation card to a reception.
“Mom I want you to give us 100% support hence you are the only one who knew about the madness. We will go to the Rev. Office to renew our vows only the two of us then invite all of you to a reception just to celebrate love!” He explained with calmness.
She examined the card then said;
“This stubborn thing you call love renewal whose idea was it? I know it must be hers!” She snapped.
Ken took it from her;
“Just respect our wish we are inseparable, it was my idea mom, we just need your support.”
“I see the date as a problem here; your dad is having a rally on Friday.”
“That is not a problem; dad is Sue’s fan he can always squeeze some minutes for us. I can handle that.”
She is defeated;
“This new stubbornness you call love!”
Ken asked;
“One card is still not distributed?” He is curious and suspicious.
“It is for Lolly and Che I am seeing them later.” He felt relieved.
“I am very happy for you, I am leaving for now, as I’ve earlier said it is only the two of you with God by your side, renew your vows and start afresh live responsibly.” Ndombe advised.
“Am I not a man? Watch the man of the house, watch part two of the drama!’ He examined her and said;
“But you look gorgeous!”
“I am blushing! My husband is around!” Sue laughed and coyly added;
“No wonder!”
“No wonder what! Come and see me off!”

At the Door
ey thanked and congratulated each other.
“Madam Planner! It has worked!”

The other Couple (Che and Lolly)
They visited the Bahs and Sue treated them with another delicacy. When they are done the couple started to leave at the stairs Lolly remembered leaving her phone at the settee. She asked him to get her phone and Che did it gladly.

The Friends
Sue protested.
“Lolly why did you treat Che as a ‘boy-boy’? This is undone; he is your husband for God sake!”
She became defensive;
“That is Che for me; leave him where he is, no interference that’s where I want him. Now it’s about you, what is responsible for this change?”
“Nothing just new life!”
Lolly is excited;
“it is really new life I am very happy for you!”
Che came;
“I hope I’ve not stayed too long?”
“Not at all sweetie! Let’s go.” They left and thanked her.
“I am walking you down.” She waved them good bye.

To be Cont.