Seyii Tolof – (Difficult Marriages) Part 56


By Amie Sillah

In-Laws Interference In Marriage
Therese (Tida) paid her sister Dr. Mabel (Mam Ndaxte) a visit from the States During her sojourn she met her sweet heart George (Gaalangu), love at first sight swept her feet and within a short time the marriage knot was tied against Sister Mabel’s advice.   “For how long did you know him? Sometimes it is said ‘not all that glitters is gold’.” But Mabs’ (Mam Ndaxte) advice fell upon deaf ears.

A Fruitful Marriage
The young couple did enjoy their marriage in the hey days as George Gaa proves Mabs wrong by dotting on his young family and within a period of 10 years the family was blessed with 3 kids Kumuna (Katherine), Jomfolo (Jenifer) and Baby George Junior (Gheran).
Gaa is frequently sickwhich worried Tida.
You are picking your food, you must see the doctor. I am not comfortable with the frequent illness and going to the pharmacy to buy drugs; you need to be tested to ascertain what is wrong with you,” Ti posited.

He resisted.
“It is always the same at the pharmacy, I buy drugs at the clinic and they also prescribe drugs for me.”

“It is different at the clinic, you are tested before drug is given to you whereas at the pharmacy you can buy any drug without a doctor’s prescription,” Ti argued.
Gaa suffered high fever at night and Ti has to apply tepid sponging on him as she insisted on him to visit the hospital in the morning but he refused.

Mom takes Children to School
Ti has to take children to school, they protested.
“We want dad to take us to school!” Kumuna (Katherine) and Jomfolo (Jenifer) said.
“Dad is not feeling well, he had fever all the night,” Ti told the kids.
“Dad is suffering frequent fever he has to do something about it,” Kumuna the eldest daughter posited.
“Dad must go to hospital which he is resisting, you must now add your voice to the campaign for him to go to hospital,”Mom urged.

Another Family
Sohna and Saul are friends of Tida and Gaalandou; the women were classmates during High School days as well as the men. In fact Sohu influenced Ti to marry Gaa when Mabs totally opposed on the grounds that she did not know him enough to marry him.
Sohu woke up with an attitude sulking and snubbing her husband who could not comprehend the reason. She phoned her friend.
“Sweet heart I’ll see you from work, how are you feeling?” She sent her kisses and sat in the car beside her husband who became curious and jealous.
“Sohu! Who is that you are talking to?”
“It is none of your business, should you know everybody I talk to?”
“Should there be secret between us, I have a right to know if not I’ll not move this car.”
“Oh! Is it? Suit yourself as I am out of her!” She came out and headed for the gate.
“Sohu come back!” Saul ordered but she went away.
“Open the gate! Are you mad?” Saul barked at the security.

He went to the pharmacy as usual and bought drugs which he drinks and gets better for a while only to go back to the same vicious circle.

She texted her husband encouraging him to go to hospital.
He read it and protested;
“Hospital! Hospital! Hospital! This woman will not allow me to rest; I’ll not go to any hospital, let her now come and drag me to clinic,”he hissed.

Dr. Mabel
She paid her sibling a visit and she laid complaint against her husband.
“His fever persisted but he refuses to go to hospital but instead visit pharmacy and buy drugs, I’ve just text him to enquire whether he visited the hospital but he replied that he is okay. He is stubborn in his stance.”
“You have married an educated bushman; I cannot understand what his education meant to him, a CEO of his business? Tiyou have to come all the way from U.S to come home to marry a ‘bush man’!” She teased.

“He is not a bush man sister, I love him.”

Dr. Mabel
“How do you explain it, an educated man refusing to go to hospital for no just reason?”

The other family
The couple returned home, Sohu still in a sulky mood which stressed Saul her husband.
“What offense do I commit to know where to start in the first instance?”

“You are insensitive and chauvinistic!”

“You are strange and impossible! How can you describe me as such? What have I done to deserve such names? Are you fair to me? Am I not trying to be a better man and husband each passing day?”

She exploded into uncontrollable emotion.
“How can you forget my birthday when I am totally devoted to you?”

“Oh silly me I’ve totally forgotten sweet heart but I normally forget mine and you are the one alerting me every year; I am on my knees I am very sorry but it has not passed; what about a romantic dinner with our friends to commemorate your day?” He kissed her lips and melted her anger.
“Am I forgiven? It will never happen again?”

“Promise?” He shook his head.
“You are forgiven.” And they both chorused undying love for each other.

At Home
Gaa came home and Tida embraced him.
“Have you gone to hospital this time around?”
“No, I’ve already bought drugs from the pharmacy. I have seen nothing wrong with that. I am already 50 years with 3 kids, if I die it is not a great deal in fact, babies die at birth and also as a beautiful damsel you’ll gladly remarry again.”
Such remarks are seen as insensitive by Ti.
“Stop it, it is not funny we as a family we are very concerned, if you are not and also I don’t want to be widowed at my prime of life. If it is a joke please stop it!” She hissed.

To be Cont.