Saayii Tolof Part 495 EPISODE 34 (Difficult Marriages – Two Great Friends ‘Yaafuse’ and ‘Faagaru’)



He went to his mother and protested about his father;
“Mom it is dad he seized the keys from me and said he forbade me to use any of his cars again and I was embarrassed in front of the security is that fair? What have I done to dad?”

Maama Eliza
“Are you asking me? What is my business in this? I want my peace don’t bother me get out of my room.” She scolded.

“Is this a conspiracy? You people have ganged up against me! We shall see!”

Maama Eliza
“Think whatever you like I don’t care.”

He is in his room talking to the Voice;
“I am longing to set my eyes on you I love you.”

He is preparing for overseas treatment;
“I am going to China for overseas treatment and relax a bit before I come back.”

Maama Eliza
“That is excellent Chief are you going to take me along?”

“Of course Sweet Heart what can I do without you are you not my batter half?” They hugged and kissed each other.

He entered his father’ room with excitement and found the duo just disentangling;

“What is it my son? Why are you so excited? Did you win a jackpot?”

Maama Eliza
She concurred;
“Your dad is right have you win a jackpot?”

“I am going to marry the girl after my heart.”

“Excellent my son this is the news I want to hear since you’ve come back home.”

Maama Eliza
“Who is she and where did she come from?”

“She is the woman with the sweet voice.”

Maama Eliza
“I cannot understand  would you explain what you mean?”

“I can see her beauty through her voice I love her very much and she will be visiting very soon.”

“Congratulations my son we will welcome her.”

Maama Eliza
“Why are you congratulating him? The girl is not seen how can he love and marry her?”

“I don’t care since he love her I’ll support him in his endeavor he is doing the right thing by choosing his bride.”

He came from the village to give solidarity to his friend he watched TV while he waited for him.

He came dressed in traditional costume and asked Faagaru how he looked;
“How do I look?” He asked.

“Like an African celebrity it is very original and nice I love it.”

“Are you not flattering me?”

“You know me now I don’t flatter but hit the snake right on the head.”

He again dashed into Yaafuse’ room.

“What is it Singan you always come into my privacy without knocking?”

“I am very excited just as your parents a lady visiting you for the first time she is seated at Chief waiting room.”

“It is Sonia I am coming let her wait.”
Yaafuse is very excited how is she like? Her voice is sweet and I am sure she is beauty of the highest caliber.”

“You are handsome go I have blessed and prayed for you.”

He got the shock of his life there seated by Chief’ sitting room was a crippled physically challenged girl even though elegant and beautiful was seated on a wheelchair his heart skipped and he said to himself;
“even though fair and beautiful she is a crippled how can I marry a cripple no way?”
He went in front of her and said;
“You must be Sonia? You are very beautiful but I am Faagaru Yaafuse is my elder brother let me call him for you again I must say you are beautiful with a sweet voice. He is engaged with some youths but I’ll call him.”

Yaafuse met his parents and reported what he has seen;
“Sonia is a cripple and I cannot marry her.”

“Nonsense! What sort of talk is that? Are you discriminating her? Who tell you cripple cannot marry and have children? She is your choice and you have to marry her there is no time my son do what is right if this opportunity is missed by you, you’ll see moon during the day. I have spoken.”

Maama Eliza
“Please my husband don’t tell me you’ll force a cripple girl upon your son it is right he chose her but without knowing how she is like I queried it but you supported him now since he said he cannot my husband let us not force him it will not work.”

“It is his business and the ball is in his court. Do what is right or lose your inheritance.”

He went and explained what he has found out;
“The sweet voice is a cripple and I cannot marry her go and personate for me I am well behind and behind you,”

He hesitated but Yaafuse cajoled and pressurized him to accept finally reluctantly he did.
To be Cont.