Saayii Tolof Part 488 EPISODE 33 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Naek’ Mean)


He took Maama to town to refresh her sanity after lack of support from his dad  and step mother who taunt and jeer at her. Mom enjoyed the town atmosphere and her son’ company but then it was time for her to return to her matrimonial home back to the village she cannot continue to run away from reality.

“My son I have to go back to my home that’ where I belong my eyes have seen my ears there is nothing your dad and wife can do to me they have done their worst  and I have not shaken I pray for God to give me the  stamina and the glory.”

“Mom I love and adore you don’t stress yourself I am always here for you virtuous woman go back and settle in peace.”

He came and found his offices locked under key and padlock he was baffled and asked;
“What is happening this is my office?”

Some Security Officers
“What is the matter?” They asked.

“This man want to enter illegally claiming here to be his office.”

Chief Officer
He showed him Exchange of Ownership;
“This premises is now own by the Bank and as private property you cannot enter.”

He is bewildered and it down on him that payment date has past and he has already mortgaged his office, mansion and his father’ castle now he found himself in deep trouble how was he to disentangle himself from his own spider web? Both his wife and dad were kept in the dark when he dealt with the fraudsters.
“What am I going to do? Both Rafet and dad will be highly disappointed with me I’ve mess up! What a fool General Taa would remark! He would laugh at my frivolity and childishness what a naiveté!”

At His Mansion
The Bankers met Rafet who was very surprised to see them;
“Get out of the premises don’t take anything out leave as you’ve come in your premises was mortgaged to the Bank by your husband.”

“What! Buge has killed me!” She exclaimed she took a taxi and went to Chief’ Castle meanwhile the fraudsters disappeared into thin air.

At Chief Sohoor’ Castle
Rafet came to a devastated father-in-law;
“Buge has killed me all what I have struggled for the past 35 years have vanished into thin air my enemy will rejoice because of a useless son you are not like me in statute even though you physically resemble me. The Bank will finally take my castle if I cannot raise D50 million within one month how can that be possible when my factory and Buge’ mansion is gone?”

The Fraudsters
They gave false identity and stayed underground to enjoy their loot.

“It serve him right he is so pompous he is devastated we will stay for a while and when things calm down we will relocate to a safe place to continue our business, take heart Buge it was nice doing business with you.”

Jeim’ Star Arising
Jeim Eteh came for his family he horned and they came out;
“Get the goodies out into the house Doilu get out your luggage and we are off to the city am taking you for your vocation.”

“My son we are ready let’ go before it is dark the city is far away.” The trio left for the city.

Chief Sohoor
Chief’ hallucination became real he yelled;
“Leave me alone! Leave me alone!” He woke up in cold sweat.

She woke up at about the same time and rushed to Chief’ room;
“Chief! What is it? You are yelling at your sleep and I cannot bear it any longer this is abnormal.

Jeim Eteh
“Maama let’ visit Chief before you go on your city vacation let him see God’ work which he cannot stop.”

Maama Goom
“No my son leave Chief alone he is evil and diabolical.”

Jeim Eteh
Before they could realize they were  already at Chief Sohoor’ Castle.

Reflections On Taaru
It started from where they first met enroute Taaru carrying fire wood from the bush while Chief was from the city travelling back to the village he asked who Taaru was;

“She is Pa Buaga’ young wife from the neighbouring village the duo is blessed with a daughter.”

“She is beautiful I love her at first sight and I want to make her mine.” He sent her a bundle of money in high notes.

“Who gave me this?”

“It is Chief Sohoor he loved you very much and want to be your good friend and confidante.”

“I do appreciate thank him very much for me.”

He waved and smiled at her;
“She is an angel I love her.” He smiled his heart is gladden.
To be Cont.