Saayii Tolof Part 479 EPISODE 33 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Naek’ Mean)


Abu is very moody his notorious gang members Scorpion and Dragon joined him;
“Why are you quiet and contemplating? Are you thinking how to rape Beew Chief’ daughter?”

“Don’t be stupid and foolish I am on a more positive note I need money to become a ‘big boy’ that’ all and my father can help through Chief if he want to he has to do it or I’ll make his life miserable.”

B0th Dra and Scorpi advised him to take it easy with his dad and not make life miserable for him;
“he is a very good dad and has taken care of you since your mom died 10 years ago when you were very young dialogue with him he will ask Chief to help.”

He offered him cigarettes but he declined;
“Boyfriend! What do you want to discuss with your dad?”

“That is a family secret I cannot share with you am sorry.”

Chief Almamy
Kawsu came to his dad and laid a complaint;
“It is about that rude man Buge he said I cannot marry his sister but he will marry mine how can that be? Buge has become a thorn in my flesh.”

Chief Almamy
“Sit down son let me explain to you about custom and tradition step down for him.”

“Dad unbelievable! Are you supporting him?”

Chief Almamy
“I am not am just explaining our custom and tradition Buge engaged your sister since their university days well before you meet Beew his sister so he cannot give way for you but instead you have to give way for him do it my son because that is what is right your wife will come wait for God’ time.”

He contemplated then shook his head;
“Okay dad for sanity and peace to prevail I’ve let go am stepping down for him.”

Chief Almamy
He called Kawsu and drew him towards himself he hugged and pecked him;
“That’ my son very warm and understanding.”

“Anything for you dad I love my family.”

Chief Sohoor
He called his son and Buge came running;
“Dad you sent for me?” Buge asked.

Chief Sohoor
“Your problem has been resolved.” Chief smiled.

“How dad Kawsu was furious and insulting when I invited him few days ago to come for dialogue.”

Chief Sohoor
“I’ve just received a call from my friend Chief Almamy who said Kawsu have seen reason and has stepped down for you to marry his sister Rafet go ahead son with your wedding preparations because your fiancée want to go on a sabbatical for her Ph.D”

He got up and hugged his dad;
“You have given me the best news for this year I am very happy that the thorn in my flesh has been removed.”

At Pa Tapale’ House
He came and found his son in a bad mood and he became worried before he does something stupid;
“Abu what is your problem why are you in this awful mood? Do you want to go backway?”

“I don’t want to go back way but all depends on you.”

Pa Tapy
“But how does it depend on me?”

“if Chief gives me a grant I’ll set up a mechanic workshop doing servicing and selling motor parts can you do it for me?”

Pa Tapy
“That’ it my son now you are talking Chief have promised to give you a grant and you are going to train 10 youths every year are you fine with that?”

“I love it when will I start?”

Pa Tapy
“Tomorrow Chief will prepare the Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U) is that okay by you?”

“100%. Thank you dad I love and honour you.” Abu became elated;
“I’ll employ Dra and Scorpi and eight others for a start.”

He came out of his office and saw an advertisement he snapped it with his smart phone and sent it to his cousin Jeim Eteh.
“This is exactly for him he has double Masters in Petrochemical Engineering and this is dealing with an oil Company I pray he gets it and stop wasting his energy and knowledge in that town.”

Maama Goom
She cooked boiled rice and was eating it with her children Jeim Eteh and Doilu;
“Eat my children it is better than nothing and our stomach would not be empty.”

“It is okay mom some day we will tell the tale and smile forever I am double Masters for God sake we shall laugh last and the loudest.”

The Phone
Yaatu rang and got Jeim Eteh;
“I need your C.V  and everything about you photocopy and bring along to the city when you are coming while you apply on line and wait for the interview I’ll send some money through money gram to prepare for the journey you’ll stay in my house bye for now greet my aunt and cousin Doilu.”

“Who rang you bro?”

“Jeim Eteh
“It is Yaatu he sends his greetings to you both he send me some job advertisement in the city of an Oil Company and he said he’ll also send some money and also the job attracts a fat salary with fringe benefit for my family.”

Maama Goom
“God is blessing us through Yaatu may God shower him blessing with his family in good health, prosperity and happiness he is a carbon copy of his gracious mom unlike his siblings and father.”

“I am praying for you to have a job so that I can continue my skill designer course.”
To be Cont.