Saayii Tolof Part 474 EPISODE 33 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Naek’ Mean)


Her luggage on her head another luggage carried by her hand with her baby on her back she sobbed bitterly when she met Pa Tapale enroute.

Pa Tapale
“Where are you going fair lady with luggage on your head, luggage in your hand and baby Sagaar on your back and you are carrying, what’ the matter I am curious? Are you bereaved?”

“Che sent me out of my matrimonial home he threw me out as thrash I am going away to my father’ house.”

Pa Tapale
“Does Che knows about tradition? You cannot send a mourning woman out of her matrimonial home until she has finished mourning and refuse to marry into her late husband’ family she then pays back the bride price and marry someone else if there is an issue the child is left with her mom until the child is age to decide where he/she wants to stay and the law decides where is the child’ best interest following the criteria of what best interest checks. Chief will hear your predicament and the best will happen to you. Wipe your tears all shall be well.”
He took out some cash and gave it to her.
“Buy some sweets for baby Sagaar she is also my child.”
Taaru thanked him and continued her journey.
“Che has taken more than he can chew I am going to the Castle to tell Chief.”

“Tapale you have come back so soon what news have you for me?”

Pa Tapale
“Chief you cannot believe what I’ve seen and heard.”

“Tapy my bosom friend what have you seen and heard?”

Pa Papale
“I saw Taaru in distress with luggage upon her head and another carried in her hand also carrying baby Sagaar on her back sobbing bitterly she said Che threw her out when he was summoned by you and you threatened to deal severely with him if he ever approached Taaru again. Che sees her as trouble and threw her out of her matrimonial home I gave her some cash to easy her journey mercy she has gone to her paternal home. A blessing in disguise isn’t it?”

“Thank you my friend I’ll never forget this favour you have done for me.” He gave him an envelope;
“Go now you have done your own I’ll do the rest.”

The Council of Elders
Chief told them about his intention to marry Taaru all of them were excited except Pa Degu he is fearless and incorruptible he shook his head.

Pa Degu
Taaru late Buuga’ widow? But why her she has just finish mourning and her husband died under mysterious circumstances it is fishy people would raise eye brows and ask questions ladies are abound try somewhere else.”

Pa Tapale
He led the compromised elders he scolded Pa Degu and the others concurred;
“Why are you always argumentative? She is a widow so what why should we discriminate widows? Are they not human beings? Please for once be happy for our Chief.” The others concurred.
“All hands should point to Che why should he opposed Taaru’ marriage to any suitor? Did he killed his brother just to inherit his wife whom he refers to as his property? Chief go ahead all of us except Degu will be your emissaries.”

“Thank you my brothers in Council it is a democratic society where everyone can express oneself if you so desire your comments are well noted. When I am ready I’ll consult you again.”

Two Gossips
“Haven’t you heard?” Salma asked Hanna.

“Heard what CNN are you at it again with your wild gossip? I am all ears.”

“Che threw Taaru out of her matrimonial home in her mourning dress.”


“I learnt that Chief proposed to her and she rejected Che’ intention to inherit her as custom and tradition demand.”

“Is she not right? Why should widows be inherited against their wish? Let them be if they want to marry into the family of their late husband or otherwise. If Che is rejected let him go and marry someone who loves him period!”

“But who is to be blame here Che, Taaru or Chief?”

“I am blaming no one here but the patriarchal custom and tradition let widows be let them make an informed decision about their lives and children if it is to the children’ best interest is my candid opinion.”

“I blame Che for throwing her out in her mourning dress why shouldn’t he wait until she finish mourning her late husband? Che disrespect her and her late husband his action is suspicious did he kill his brother to inherit Taaru? This is the conclusion of many people I spoke to.”

“You are now an investigative journalist CNN? Be very careful with your gossip it can put you in grave problem.”

“Why are you judging me? I blame myself for bringing you fresh information for free I am out of here!”
Hanna is happy that she told Salma the truth.
To be Cont.