Saayii Tolof Part 455 EPISODE 32 (Difficult Marriages – Hatred ‘Baanyel’ Mother-in-Law ‘Gorro’ Step- Son ‘Dommi Jitle’)


At Mam Mbissine’ Home
Maama Njemeh
   She paid her a visit;
“Are you aware that your daughter Lolly is four months pregnant?”

Mam Mbissine
   She jubilated and thank Allah for his blessings;
“I am very happy and thank Allah for his blessings he has shamed those who label my daughter as a barren woman.”

Maama Njemeh
   “Did she tell you who impregnated her?”

Mam Mbissine
“Of course Ken her husband your son who else can do that duty other than him?”

Maama Njemeh
   “I am very sorry Lolly lied to you Jo-Jo Ken’ best pal impregnate her.”

Mam Mbissine
Impulsively she reacted;
“That’ a big lie evil, diabolical woman that is no true my daughter knows no other man other than your son Ken he found her a ‘virgin’ a rare occurrence nowadays I thank Allah for that all your conspiracies will fail mark my words!”

Maama Njemeh came along with her indiscipline son Burang who went ino tantrums;
“Come and take away your adulterous daughter or else I’ll kill her and you’ll come to collect her corpse.”

Mam Mbissine
“Back to sender evil people go and make your wealth and not depend on Ken’ property get ou of my house!”

“Is this a house or a shack?” He held his mother’ hand and held her out.

All this happened in the presence of Yadicone.

“Didn’t I tell you Lolly and her husband are class apart it will not work? See his family and how they hold our family they see us as nobody.”

Mam Mbissine
“What do Maama and her son Burang have? They are dependents of Ken who they hate with a passion but as for us it is genuine love that Ken has for my daughter and we will defend our rights with our life we don’t care what these thieves and cowards are blabbing; still hold your opinion and leave us carry our cross, you are not our type you are so naïve and gullible.”

“Am sorry! Am sorry!” He went away.

She visited Joe and gave him the result from the clinic.

“Okay but be very careful these people are diabolical, mean and wicked it is their conspiracy to deny your baby his/her inheritance rights don’t eat or drink anything prepared by them cook your own food and keep your drinks away from them.”

“Thank you Jo-Jo you are really a true friend indeed!”

“You are welcomed Ken would have done the same if I were in the same predicament.”

At Ken’ Home

She shut herself inside her room and wept bitterly
“I am not surprise at all at their reaction it’ a conspiracy by labelling my unborn child a ‘bastard’ will automatically rule him/her out but I left everything to God he will absolve me in the final analysis.” He sang a melancholy song to console herself.

A Knock at the Door
Lolly ignored it but he kept knocking harder
“Who is disturbing me?”

“It’ me Lolly open I have something to discuss with you.”

“But do you want? Leave me alone go away!” She yelled.

“I want to talk! I want to end the feud between us I am sorry I was wrong to misjudge you.” He pleaded in a softer voice.

She thought hard then decided to open she too wanted to end the feud to have a peace of mind for her pregnancy.

He gave her a cheque of D2 million;
“Take this and start a new life for yourself along with it I’ll give you a duplet where you can live with your baby marry any man of your choice and also get into your mind that Ken is no more.”

She was enraged as she tore the cheque;
“What a cheek! You want to buy me with such a crumb? My dignity is not for sale my child is Ken’ and he/she will surely get what is due for him/her as for me I’ll get back my shop and continue my trading. Now, get out of my room and never come here again to tell me bullshit!” She pushed him out of her room and locked it from inside with insults and curses.

To be Cont.

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