Saayii Tolof Part 434 EPISODE 31 Difficult Marriages –Slaves ‘Jamm’ ak Free Born ‘Gorr’



He invited his Deputy and opened his secret to him;
“As a teenager I went to hustle to Europe in search of greener pastures I met a young man then his name was Sambujang who told me he is from home and we became the greatest of friends he was more established and did a lot of good favours for me he went to the extent of borrowing 20,000 Euros with no interest I promised to pay him on time which I never did in fact I left him there without paying a dime when he came searching for me he met my room-mate who told him am gone calling me a thief and in grate that whenever he sees me he’ll kill me for betrayal; it is a small world Fa Burama it is that same Sambujang who is the father of Ifang how can I explain this? He never knew I am from Gorre Village it was later after investigations I knew that he is the Chief of Kerrgumak his family found the settlement; what am I going to tell my daughter now that there is more to it than the eyes can see?”


“It is a hot one brother but the truth has to be said there is no way you have to see Chief Sambujang and apologize to him.”

“I’ll not after I now know where he has come from.”

“My eyes have seen my ears you have to do something.”

Chief with His Wife
“I know Sambujang in my hey days abroad we had a deal and I betray him and he is after my head how can I allow my only daughter marry his only son?”

Yaa Hojah
“Now what you are telling me is that you have destroyed your own happiness with your bare hands?  See to it that my daughter is sound and safe I have given you three days to bring my daughter back only three days!” She yelled.

Chief with His Committee
“There is a family problem which is now common knowledge but I am duty bound to discuss it with you Ifang from Kerrgumak Village insisted to marry Ada I kidnap him I am not a coward and intended to solve it myself without the Committee but things are now becoming more complicated and I have to involve you because Sambujang also decided to pay me in my own coin by abducting Ada.”

“Now it is exchanging children tit for tat.”

Before the others could say anything Yaa Hojah came out and drive the elders with Chief’ hunting gun;
“There will be no committee meeting today until my daughter comes back to me.” She shoot some shots into the air the Elders ran helter skelter to save dear life. Chief was bewildered.

“Are you mad! What’s wrong with you?” He scolded.

Next Move
To show that she meant business she took out Chief’ regalia and threatened to set them ablaze if her daughter is not produced.
“Where is Ada? Produce her before tomorrow or I’ll set our bungalow ablaze!” She threatened.

“Don’t burn anything I’ll bring her tomorrow.”

Yaa Hojah
“I don’t trust you.”

“Please trust me. Chief begged.

The Female Youth
Isatou assembled some village girls to discuss what is happening;
“These selfish elders they are just after their pockets where are they taking us? On the path of War or Peace? The Council of Elders are calling for war with Kerrgumak we the female youth are more vote for me as your leader and I’ll call for Peace let us stop this nonsense our women are not marrying their heart because of this stupid nonsense conflict Allah is teaching them a lesson by making the Chief and his Deputy fell into the betrayal pit they have dug for us; no to war we want Peace shout after me: We want Peace and not War! Give peace a Chance! We’ll meet again to put our Demands and all of us will take it to the Council of Elders.” All the girls agree in unison except Hoyan the village gossiper.

“Are you not taking it too far? Let us take another approach which is not confrontational.”

“Which one is that let us learn?”

“Let us write a letter and preach peace to them.”

“That is too slow these elders can start another war any time we don’t have time.”

“Count me out I am not going to confront our elders.”

“It is your business hypocrite, gossiper Isatou let us vote who and who will go.”

“That is right let us put it to the vote Begay count the results.”

She counted and everyone voted yes with the exception of Hoyan;
“So the yes have it on Saturday we will take our Demands to the Chief and his Council of Elders.”

“So betrayer go and let them will beat you to a pulp.”

“Are you talking to me?”

“No! I am talking to your ghost.”
It was too much for Hoyan to bear she fought her in a brawl and the duo fought like two hungry lionesses the other girls join in the fight and there was pandemonium.

To be Cont.