Saayii Tolof Part 427 EPISODE 31 (Difficult Marriages – Slave (Jamm) Ak Freeborn (Gorr)


Ada with her Friend Nyima
 “He is my lover, my friend my everything he is a Petro-Chemical Engineer by profession I love him so much and it is reciprocal.” She smiled.

 “I am so jealous of you how can I marry such a husband?”

   “Why should you say such a thing? You are a beautiful and kind hearted girl Mr. Right would come looking for you it’s a matter of time.”

“I hope so O I hope so! All our men have gone to the city looking for greener pastures and we are being forbidden to marry from Kerrgumak who see us as being ‘Slave’ descendants.”

  “Do you know what you are saying? This day and age talking about that bullshit? We are 53 years Independent and we are also Sovereign all ‘free borns’ we the youths have to fight it I only wish I am in that position my parents will be shown ‘peppe’.”

   “I wish I have your courage to fight the bullshit!”

“Together we can!”

At the Deputy’ Home
 His son bring a girl home from the city her name Angela, (Angel, Angersigicol) Anger is a beautiful and well-mannered the family loves her at first sight and Nyima seeks her hand in friendship.
When she left the family discussed about her;

 “She is a beautiful girl I like her she will make a good wife for my brother.” Essa smiled.

Mba Nyambo
  “I am not thinking about marriage only as a last resort there are so many beautiful girls in our village of the same lineage why not any of them? Many of our girls are frustrated no man from here to marry them and also they cannot marry from Kerrgumak you among them.” She posited.

“There is truth in what you say but we also need a good, well-mannered wife in this family of ours and I am feeling that this girl Anger is Essa God given wife.

 He returned home and visited Ada’ village he wanted to surprise her as she always do to him his car turned and he met Essa and asked him the Chief’ compound;
“Where can I find the Chief’ compound my brother?”

   “Turn right and take a bend left then count after three compounds on your right is a storey building that is the Chief’ house.”

   “Thank you!” He left.

 “He is a pleasant young man as well as handsome he must be a stranger in this village to ask about the Chief’ compound.”

Deputy Chief
 His son formally told him his intension to marry Anger;
“Her parents are Animist but she is ready to convert to Islam and marry me. Isn’t it beautiful?”

Deputy Chief
“It is my son but don’t you think it necessary to know where she came from?”

“Is that necessary?”

Deputy Chief
 “It is very necessary her people are going to be our In laws, aren’t they?” The Deputy insisted to know Anger’ background before his son enters any covenant.

 He entered the Chief compound and met Ada at the flowers as soon as she saw him she rushed to embrace him:
“Ifang! So it is you how can you come back home without telling me you rascal?”

 “Did I not pay you in your own coin? Remember how many times you’ve surprised me.” They hugged and kissed all over the lovers were in ecstasy.

 Ada introduced Ifang to her parents who were very happy that their daughter’ suitor is here at last;

Yaa Hojah
Welcome to our home my son Ada has talked so much about you that it seem we’ve known you for long feel free this is our home Ada is our only child the apple of our eyes.”

  He spoke last and the loudest;
“Just as my wife has said Ada is our only child the apple of our eyes her happiness is our life priority five suitors showed up but she rejected them all because of you what she has seen in you that is also our observation you are handsome and intelligent she said you are a Petro-Chemical Engineer;” He nodded his head and answer in the affirmative;
“Welcome to our humble abode.”

 “Thank you Sir, thank you Ma!”

“Darling go and supervise the kitchen ensure that the food is palatable next time around he’ll tell us his delicacy.”
He asked him to come nearer beside him and they chat about his work and his stay in the U.S.
“We need you people to come back and work at home or open your small businesses grow it provide jobs and make the businesses grow bigger why not?” Ifang concurred with his future father-in-law.

  “let me leave you people to chat more while I help mom in the kitchen I know what his favourite is he cooked it while we were in the States.”

 He is impressed;
“So you can cook my son?” Ifang nodded his head in the affirmative;

 “I tried and Ada has also taught me more dishes I taught her our delicacy and she also taught me hers.”

“Very well I am coming to that where do you come from my son?”
To be Cont.

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