Saayii Tolof Part 414 EPISODE 30 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Dusa Nawle’, not your Category, your Class)


She came to work after a long break and Alhajj has fulfilled his promise by creating a post of General Manager for her the former one was relocated to another new branch; as soon as she entered Alhajj’ office he handed her the letter and she was overwhelmed;
“How can I thank you my benefactor? You overwhelmed me.”

“You are my good friend just help us keep away from my wife’ path she is a serpent laying low to have a good bite at us.”

She went back to her office very happy and excited then she called the Supervisor to her office and showed her the letter.

Mam Degene
      “Whose letter is this?”

“It is mine.”

Mam Degene
She reflected and became furious and jealous,
“But how? I am your boss how can you be promoted before me? Is this fair?”

“You better ask the boss he is the only one who can answer your question bring me the general file.”

Mam Degene
She stood speechless and Majula yelled at her.

“Are you deaf? Bring it and be fast about it.”

Mam Degene
She is very angry and disappointed with Alhajj;
“How can he do this to me after working for this company for the past 20 years Jula is here less than a year? Is it because of ‘Bottom P’? We shall see!”
She is the spy Haja Gaws planted into the company to check over Alhajj’ excesses with women and cash of the company. She rang Haja and made an appointment with her.

The Appointment
    They met at their hide out and she told her everything;

Mam Degene
    “Alhajj has a new chick, a babe, a ‘married spinster’ he has made her very rich with millions of dalasi now she wants to divorce her husband marry him or be his mistress according to circumstances, he has also promoted her over me and made her the General Manager after taking Alhajj Baturu to open another branch in the provinces.”

Haja Gawre
She became very bitter and disappointed with her husband;
“I married him against my mother’ wishes she was right Alhajj is a ‘gold digger’ but I’ll teach them the lesson of their life as for that Jula she has swallowed what she cannot chew okay you can leave.” She gave her a cheque;
“Cash it and enjoy the fruit of your services to me since I employ you at the company.”

Haja Gaws
   She met Majula at her office; She just walked into the office and hovered over Majula who felt her domineering presence;

She stood up and trembling she said;
“Madam Gaws! Is this you? You should have called for me and I’ll come and answer you.”

Haja Gaws
She looked down on her and ordered her to sit down;
“Take your seat and please button your blouse.”

“Thanks to your husband.”

Haja Gaws
“For how long have you been working here?”

“For the past seven months after my internment at the company.”

Haja Gaws
   “Then you are right to thank my husband is it your luck or something else? Please bring me the Providence File when you are done with what you are doing.”

She was relieved when Haja left leaving her as confuse as ever.
“What is she up to? I have to be very prudent with her, she looks sly and calculating but she is a beautiful woman full of confidence, dignity and self-esteem no wonder Alhajj fears her.”

Haja Gaws
  She met the Accountant and queried him;
“Promoting an intern who works for only 7 months over people who works for more than 20 years! How can it be justified please tell me?”

Accountant Jaw
    “I am helpless if the Boss gave me a letter ordering me that someone has to be promoted what can I do Madam? I was afraid to lose my job.”

Mam Degene
She took the file to Majula and left with an attitude without even greeting her then she commented;

“Why the attitude? I am now your boss you have to follow my instructions or be doomed what about losing your 20 years’ service with the company?”

Mam Degene
“Allah Akbar! God is great! Isha Allah! The truth shall prevail in the end also remember you are not the Madam soon the chicken will come home to roost.
To Be Cont.