Saayii Tolof Part 413 EPISODE 30 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Dusa Nawle’, not your Category, your Class)


At the City
Fams is feverish and shivering Jaato paid a visit and found him in this terrible state he took him to hospital and he was hospitalized and given emergency treatment when he was a bit relieve he counseled him.

   “Boy you have to take it easy upon yourself Majula is not the only woman in the world you can still have a good wife if you take your time also stop self-pity in Jaambi’ case it is past tense she is in a positive relationship living and enjoying life to the fullest with her family please let us focus for the future and learn from our mistakes that is how we can prosper and progress.”

   “You are right and a true friend indeed but what about my daughter I cannot leave her in that toxic environment with a Jezebel as a mother.”

“Insha Allah it shall be done just get well first.” He nodded his head with relief.
“Complete rest is needed for your treatment.”

Mere Coincidence
   Mba Toma was also knocked by Malaria and Ndaxte panicked and rushed her to a private clinic her temperature was dangerously high and critical she was put into emergency ward and tepid sponge to keep down the high temperature; Ndaxte rang Jula but she refused to pick her phone.

Where is Majula?
   She was in bed having fun with Alhajj as the phone kept ringing she took it and put it on vibration but it still keep on vibrating and she curse it;
“Which idiot is calling and disturbing me? I hope it is not that vagabond of a husband Fams?”

The phone kept vibrating in spite of the snub;
“Pick your phone Jula it must be something serious hear the caller out.”

She wanted to scold the caller but changed when she heard Ndaxte’ shrill voice;

“Madam! Where are you? Mba Toma is critically ill and admitted at the private clinic which attends the family.”

   “What! Is my daughter alive? Speak out Ndaxte? My body is stiff it is alright with my baby?”

“Are you okay?”

   “My daughter! My daughter!”

“Come let me drive you, you cannot drive yourself in this state?” He drove her off to the clinic.

She came in followed by Alhajj but Mba Toma snubbed both of them and looked away making Alhajj a bit embarrassed;
“Mba Toma I have a busy schedule look here your uncle Alhajj have come to visit you he has brought you some fruits and snacks.”

Mba Toma
 She is crossed and looked away;
“I don’t want to see anyone I want to see my daddy.”

“She is right Jula tell her father to come and visit her if you don’t I’ll tell him.”
Mba Toma is not impressed she just hissed.

She asked for the doctor and was taken to her office;
“What is wrong with my daughter?”

Dr. Pat
    “Celebral Malaria she is very lucky and would have loss her life had she been late for an hour she is now off the critical stage but does she sleep under mosquito net?”

“She is very naughty she does not like it. I use residual spray.”

Dr. Pat
  “She needs counseling to use treated bed net plus residual spray I’ll talk to her.”

“Please do she is the only one I have but she is naughty and crossed with me she always sides with her dad who poisons her mind against me.”

Dr. Pat
“I’ talk to her then you, then her father and later all of you, you seriously need counseling as a family before you lose your daughter she is very bitter with you.”

“I know please Doc bring my daughter back to me.”

At the Hospital
Jaato paid him a visit Doc discharged and advised him to take life easy,
“Eat a balanced diet, do your exercises and take a lot of water, avoid stress.”
Jaato reechoed Doc advice;
“You heard her take life easy everything will be okay Insha Allah!” He drove him home.

Out of the Clinic
  She went to collect daughter with Alhajj Mba Toma refused but Ndaxte counseled her;
“Go with your mom I’ll join you later,”

Mba Toma
“Come with me or I’ll not go with them.”

“Okay Ndaxte hop in.” She did and they left for home.

“How do you feel Mba Toma?”

Mba Toma
   She refused to answer him and this irritated her mom.

“Naughty girl! Where are your manners? Answer your uncle.”

Mba Toma
   “I hate him he is not my uncle but your boyfriend I want to go to my father.”

She wanted to hit her but Alhajj stop the car and held her hand;

“Why are you maligning your daughter she is frank and not a hypocrite she does not like me because I am taking you away from her dad.” Then he turned to talk to Mba Toma.
“I love you don’t hate me I am just a family well-wisher.”

Mba Toma
   “If you are a well-wisher then bring back my dad to me.”

“I’ll do just that so that you’ll be my friend.”

Mba Toma
  She calmed down and started to believe Alhajj. When they reached the house Alhajj called and pecked then gave her a sweet bag;
“Thank you!” Then she went into the house.

“You are a genius! How did you do it?”

“Be more gentle to your daughter if you want to win her heart that’ what Fams does to win her heart.”
To be Cont.

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