Saayii Tolof Part 393 EPISODE 30 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Dusa Nawle’ not your Category, your Class)


Work Place
 A drama took place at her first day at the work place some armed bandits attacked while Alhajj Saanor was coming out from his office going out his security rushed him back into the office and shoot back at the intruders some killed and others ran away later investigation revealed that they were Alhajj’ rivals who want him dead and were acting outside the law and he promised to give them a fitting reply.

  The scatter skelter panicked the staff who ran into different directions to save dear life among them Jula she was hurt in the stampede and taken to the Company’ clinic where she received treatment like the other staff who were in the same situation.

Supervisor Mam B
  She came to pay her a visit she woke up and asked;

“Where am I? Who bring me here?”

Mam B
“Allah be praised! So you are awake? I panic some bandit attacked headquarters wanted to attack Alhajj but he was rescued by his security untouched but some of us you included got trapped in the crossfire and got hurt thank God you are saved out of danger.”

  “Thank you for your concern.”

Mam B
“It is our pleasure with the courtesy of Alhajj all the bills are on the company please stay back and get well before you are discharged.”

  He heard the incident over the T.V news and rushed to the place he was panicked but when he saw Jula alive and active he thanked God for it.
“Honey I was scared to death our country is no longer safe all of us have to take it easy and be our brother’/sister’ keeper. How about the bills and where can I pay?”

“There is no need for that sweetie Alhajj has already taken care of us I learnt it through my supervisor Mam B.”

   “That is very nice of him he has help us families who would have taken care of our love ones no matter what.”

“Please inform our mothers and tell them I am fine.”

   “No sweet heart you know how our mothers are they will come over and cause nuisance wait until you come to the village and inform them about it.”

“Okay if you say so these are our mothers for you 6 and 9.” The duo laughed hilariously.
“You sound like Mba Toma she would have said the same thing about my mother and not her toma.”
Doctor checked Jula and said she was okay then discharged her Fams left and cautioned her to take it easy.

   “Workaholic take it easy on yourself I don’t want you to fall sick too soon.” He gave her a warm, sweet kiss and left.

She went on checking before resumption of work and doctor confirmed her alright.

The Next Day
She reported to work and Alhajj called her to his office.

At Alhajj’ Office
  Majula got in and greeted him.

Alhajj Saa
“I am very sorry for what has happened to you are you okay now? It is my fault business palaver.”  Jula nodded her head.
“It is one of those ugly incidents associated with our job to get rich quick there are so many adversaries ready to cut one’ head.”
Alhajj opened his drawer and took out a cheque of D100, 000. 00 and gave it to Jula she stared and gaped;

“All this for me?”

“Yes, it is for you to show my appreciation and erased your discomfort experienced due to my fault.”

   She thanked him and showed her appreciation as she left Alhajj showed amorous eyes watching her back. She couldn’t believe she held such an amount of money she went to the staff wash room and locked the door after her as she read the cheque then rang Fams;
“Sweetie, the Chairman calls me to his office and apologized to me for being caught in the crossfire and compensated me with guess what one hundred thousand dalasi.”

   “What! That’ a huge sum of money.” Then he reflected and said;
“That’ very thoughtful of him.”

“I’ll be going back to my work, love you we’ll see by the weekend am expecting you bye!”

    He became uneasy as he debates in his mind;
“Why do her boss gave her this huge sum of money? It is temptation oh she is a young girl it can blow off her mind money palaver!” The suspicious mind reasoned with unease.
The other mind has clear conscience and he pinched himself;
“What are you saying? Please give your good wife credit if she was in foul play she would not have inform you she would have kept it in secret have a clear conscience and open up for her not to put you in the dark as most women do.”
He laughed over it and blamed himself for harbouring such a thought.

At the New School
   Class teacher Njillan welcomed Mba Toma to her new school with open arms and quickly made friends with her class mates and became more attach to Njimbi as they share the same surname Sanyang. Mba Toma is very intelligent as she score 1 in all her core subjects plus several other ones, she is a Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry genius and also has 2 in Biology, Health Science 3 in Physical Education 1, 1 in English and 1 in English Literature. Her friend Njimbi does very well in those subjects Mba Toma form a Science Club and many girls follow her and they started to invent Drone Robots. Their Science teacher Mam Ndeban who doubles as the Career Coach of the school called and interviewed her;
“Mba Toma what do you want to be in the future? I am interested in you as a Science student who is exceptionally good in all your subjects but if I know what you are interested in you then I can advise you.”

Mba Toma
  “I want to be an inventor with a general science knowledge.”

Teacher Ndeban
“Thank you I’ll invite your parents together with you to choose your subjects for next academic year.”
She thanked her teacher and left with her driver.
To be Cont.