Saayii Tolof Part 386 EPISODE 30 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Dusa Nawle’ not your Category your Class)


Painful Decision
Fams mind reflected on when he first met with Jaambi it was a hot day from a negative job search whose answer was negative and as he was strolling home he was almost knocked down by a car who was driving it?

   “What is happening to you? Are you not with your senses? Do you want to kill a poor desperate man searching for his livelihood?” He yelled at her.

She humbly came out of her car and stooped before Fams holding his knees;
“Am sorry sir I did not mean to hurt you It was a mistake and I thank God that I did not kill an innocent man.” She picked up Fams scattered papers and put them into his file and asked;
“Where are you going to sir?”

“I am going back home until another day to go in search of work.”

“I think your file contain your C.V?”

   “Yes, they are my C.V papers they are always with me.”

“Do you want to be a Banker?”

“Beggars have no choice do you want to find me a Banker’s job?”

“I was working in a bank and there is a vacancy would you like to fill it?”

“Would like it is an underestimation if you can help me secure the job I would be grateful to you for the rest of my life.”

“Give me your C.V.”

“I have to photocopy it and keep my original.” They went to a nearby shop and Jaambi get it photocopied and paid for it.
   “Thank you for assisting me.” Fams posited.

   “It is my pleasure I wanted to kill you by accident Allah has join us and I have to help you now to ease my conscience. I’ll handover your C.V to my boss it that okay by you?”

“Excellent! I am grateful.”

She handover Fams C.V to her boss and it was successful;
“Come to my bank immediately for an interview, good luck!”

He was over the moon and was excited for the day to end and tomorrow begins.

The Following Day
Fams was the first to reach the office and the first to enter Boss’ office when the interview starts;

The Good News
   His C.V spoke for itself and he got the job.

“I got the job because of her how can I betray her now?” His conscience was broken as he reflected on all the goodies their friendship brought to the table. He wept and felt uneasy.

Mba Nyaling
   She knows her son’ weakness she started to shed crocodile tears.
“I cannot deceive you I am your mother who carried you for nine months and almost lost my life at the tenth month. Marry the girl of my choice or I’ll kill myself and my blood place upon your shoulders.”

He broke his silence and said;
“Yes, yes! I’ll risk it even though I don’t know this Majula of a girl whom you are forcing upon my throat.”

Mba Nyaling
“Trust me my dear son you’ll live to love her, her father is an Imam who taught his family about the ethics of our religion she will make you a good wife.”

   “I am betraying the love of my life she did good to me, she taught me how to fish instead of giving me fish so help me Allah.”

Mba Nyaling
“You’ll never regret your action my son let me go and prepare ‘benachin’ with meat for you that’ also one of your favourites remember I’ll put a lots of veges and ‘ranha bisap’.”
Fams was ashamed of himself for betraying the only girl he loves falling for his mom’ tricks.

Back to the City
    Fams hid from Jaambi because of his shameful betrayal.

   Rang him after the week and he answered;
“Are you still at the village? But you told me you’ll spend only one week.” Jaambi was apprehensive.

   “I am already here about two days ago.”

   “What is happening? You were here for two days and did not find it proper to call me? What is happening to us Famara please let me know.”

At the work place
Fams avoided Jaambi’ eyes and she noticed it she came to greet him but his cool reception throw her off;

“What is it sweetie? You are definitely avoiding me and there is guilt all over you what are you hiding from me speak out I am all ears. How is your mother? Why are you uneasy and withdrawn from me? Let us meet tomorrow.”

At the meeting Place
“What is wrong with you I cannot understand you were cool and cozy towards me but not until you come from the village all changed and you became a completely different person.”

“I am just feverish since I came from the village.”

   “Then I’ll take you to the Bank’ doctor for a check-up.”

“There is no need for it I’ll just be fine.”

At her Workplace
   As Jaambi was at her lap top doing office work when Fams came into the office hovering over her head he said;
“I am going back to the village at the weekend we are having a Kabilo meeting.”

She jerked from her chair with emotions;
“But you are just from the village last week what is happening at the village? What are you hiding from me?”

   He lied;
“I am going for a land problem.”

   “Land problem? What! That is very dangerous our country folks are diabolical be very careful my love.” She advised.
To be Cont.