Saayii Tolof Part 370 EPISODE 29 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Bennen Jigeen’ the Other Woman)


  She returned back to the city and continued her business Yerro continued to send fish money to their joint account the family business flourished when Yerro rings Asum gives the phone to the kids to talk to him.

“How are you my kids I hope you are both fine and going to school?”

“We are fine but why are you not visiting us as before?”

“Your mother told you that? I’ll come but let me inform that you have twin siblings who are as beautiful as you.”

She called Baabagalleh to speak to daddy;
“Baaba speak to daddy.”

“Daddy! When are you coming we miss you badly?”

“Baaba I’ll soon be there just continue being good children and help mommy bye!”

“Why didn’t you speak to daddy? Has he been naughty? Because you don’t speak to us when we are naughty.’

   She laughed over it and refused to give the children any answer as she did not want to trouble their small minds.
“I’ll speak to him in private when I am less busy.”
For now the kids were satisfied as they did not ask further questions.

Baaba Mathew
He sent word for Yerro to visit the village.

At the Village Kiosk
He asked the girl attendant to dial Yerro’ number and she got him and gave the phone to Baaba;

Baaba Mathew
 “Yerro my son! Are you there?” Yerro answered at the other end;

“Baaba I am here! How is mom and Gorgi I hope they are fine? I have received your message and would surely be there on the 1st of next month I have also sent your fish money by money gram bye am already late.”

Baaba Senior
    “How much should I pay?”

Girl Attendant
  “Ten dalasi sir!”

Baaba Senior
“But that is too much I spoke less than ten minutes.’

Girl Attendant
   She showed him the timing which was 12 mins;
“You are my good customer that’ why I make you a discount.”

Baaba Senior
“Thank you but it is still expensive for pensioners like us who are paid nothing.”
The girl attendant shook her head and laughed over it.

The D-Day for the Couple
   Asum came with mama Jaabel and present were Baaba Ma, mama Ndungu and Samba Yerro’ youngest brother and Yerro.

Baaba Ma
   “Asum here brought your complaint that you married your girlfriend Pat without informing her your excuse being she gave birth to twin boys and her custom would disregard them if they are born out of wedlock? Is it true?”

   After greeting the people present he went straight to the point;
“It is true father I’ve answered the first question as for the second I did not tell Asum for obvious reasons she cut communication when I ring the family she gives the phone to the kids can I tell them my communication? Since she learnt about Pat she is not on speaking terms with her husband what do you expect me to do? Come, cringe, crunch and stoop before my wife? The wife I marry? Hell no! Me too I have my pride.”

She greeted the people present and responded in a like manner;
“Baaba Ma! Maama! What was I supposed to do when my husband was not man enough to tell me the truth? He told be blatant lies when I asked him about Pat who kept ringing his phone consistently without stop I have to insist that he answer the phone but he refused and off it. When he went out leaving his phone behind I put it on and unfortunately for him and fortunately for me I saw Pat I became suspicious; he came I asked him and he said Pat was a male colleague, then Pat rang again another time I took it and she threw the bomb shell;
“if you don’t come and convey me to my ante natal I’ll expose you to your wife that you are responsible for my pregnancy, my twin boys; just dare me!”
He came and asked him again who Pat was and he still stuck to his fat lie then I decided to leave and that was end of story; I was ashamed that I gave my life to a cheat, a liar, a heart breaker!”

  He got up fuming with anger;
“You hear her call me names and you did not break her? Who is she? Am I the only man cheating on his wife? I did not tell her the truth out of respect I did not want to break her heart.”

  “That is another fat lie; look at you I pick you from the gutter brush you up only for Pat to come and reap where she did not sow? I’ve already lost trust in you and whatever you stand for.”

Baaba Ma
  He restrained them and asked them to respect each other and guard their words;
“You are not enemies but mistrusted friends just take it easy on yourselves together we can find solution.” He turned to Yerro and posited;
“We do not recognized your marriage to Pat and your illegitimate twins, now what do you want to do with Asumbe?”

“I am an African man entitled to more than one wife, my marriage to Pat is state recognized, my twins are legitimize I’ll not divorce Asum even if she asked me she is my first wife I have already secured a storey building which my company have rented for me Asum can choose whether she wants to stay at the ground floor or the first floor is her choice before I asked Pat.”
To be Cont.