Saayii Tolof Part 365 EPISODE 29 ‘Bennen Jigeen’ The Other Woman-What God has Joined Together Let No Person Put Asunder)


Yerro’ Absence
 For months Yerro did not go home but talk over the phone everyday with his family now they are almost used to it but still Ngenarr always asked after her father.
“When is dad coming home mom we miss him a lot?”

   “You’ll speak to him and convey your message I cannot do it for you.” She took the phone and spoke to her dad;

“When are you coming home dad? We miss you.”

“That’ true sweetie but I don’t want to make promise and fail you the work load is overwhelming but remember am doing it for the family we need a big family house where each of us will occupy her own space; don’t you want a house of your own where you can play freely?”

   “Yes dad.”

“Okay sweetie give me time to just give you that bye-bye I love you all let me speak to your mom.”

She no longer understands her husband;
“What is keeping him away from his family? I shall find out.” She soliloquy.

“Are you there Asumbay?”

“Yes I am why do you ask? Are you apprehensive?”

   “Not at all why should I when I have a beautiful understanding wife? Just take care of yourself and our kids I assure a fat bank account cheerio and bye for now.”

“Bye!” She refused to give him any further information.
Asum was convinced that Yerro is up to something and that was not right; is he cheating on me because of those city girls? I’ll find out myself.”

The Unexpected Visit
Asum came unannounced and it panicked Yerro who is shock to death when his secretary told him a lady was looking for him and has been taken to his house.

“Which lady is that? Can you describe her?”

Described Asum and he panic;
“that must be my wife Asum but how can she come here unannounced?” Yandeh cannot answered that question she just stared.

   “Okay forgive my manners let me go and attend to her.”

“Ninety-nine days for the thief and one day for the master. The owner has come for her own let me see how that proud peacock will behave being jealous and does not want Yerro to mingle with us and went and get pregnant for a married man.”

“Asum is crafty and intelligent what is she up to come here unannounced? Had she heard about Pat? But who will tell her she is not acquainted with the staff here? Why should I be worried? She would not stay for long she has to go back home to supervise the kids’ schooling and the family business but nonetheless she is very intelligent and observant I have to be very careful for her not to know about Pat until the right time.”

At the House
Yerro acted very cheerful and hugged his wife romantically but Asum was cold and careful but as it is said ‘body never lie’ Asum was unsure as she cannot understand her husband anymore something has changed.

He continued to pretend;
“But Sunshine you are cold didn’t you miss your soulmate?”

“Tell me why did you say that? Are you guilty of something?”

“Something like what? You better tell me? I just miss you and the kids.”

“Is that the case? And you never bother to surprise us a weekend keep work from family leisure you heard your daughter’ plea? What answer did you give her?”

“Was it my daughter or my wife talking?”

“All the same what is in your daughter’ mind as little as she is, is also in your wife’ mind; I hate this work which has come to shatter my family but my heart is large and the good lord will see me true.”

“Sunshine be jeerful it is not as awful as you reflected it.”

She exclaimed;
“Oh no is this your house? I cannot believe am I dreaming?”

“Why did you say that? Am I not capable of changing for the better?”

“I did not mean that but I know you Yerro so untidy and this was your trait since we were in campus that was our bone of contention I can very well know that which was the reason I put a precondition before I marry you that you have to change your untidiness before we tie the knot which you never honour. Sunshine who is the babe or guy that made you change which I was unable to do?”

“My house help is excellent very tidy and she ensures everything is put in place when I am done.”

“I have to congratulate her and give her award for doing what your wife cannot do is she married?”

He thought carefully before he answered;
“I am not sure about marriage but she has three kids whom she took good care of but why do you want to know her details?”

“Just to show appreciation for a work well done.”

“Now that you are here I’ll relieve her of her services until you are gone I miss my sunshine’ delicacies.”

“But before you do just let her come and say hello to me is that asking for too much?”

“Not at all I’ll just do that.”
“If you know that it was Pat’ house help who take care of my house and that Pat stays and is pregnant for me I’ll be murdered without any mercy I am very sorry Sunshine for lying to you.”
To be Cont.