Saayii Tolof Part 362 EPISODE 29 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Bennen Jigeen’ the Other Woman, Woman to Woman Violence)


Patricia Diborr (Pat D)
She is a patron to Yerrosum Restaurant and brings all her catering contracts to it the business blossom and the couple appreciated her very much.;

The Good News
Pat brought a letter from the head office which offers Yerro a job as Civil Engineer he was thrilled as he prayed and adored Pat for what she has done for him.

He hugged Pat and praised her abundantly;
“Pat you are God sent for four good years I have graduated but wherever I sent application disappointment was my reply ‘I regret’ until I almost gave up; thank you very much the good Lord will answer all your prayers and give you happiness.”

“You are embarrassing me Yerro you deserve it I am just a facilitator all glory goes to the Lord.”

“Your lunch is on me and today we have prepared your delicacy chicken ‘durang with findo’.”

“I’ll take it as takeaway package.”

   “Very well Pat just have a seat I’ll be here in a jiffy.”
He went and brought her a double package and she laughed;

“Do you want me feed a village?”

“Eat and also give some to your friends who have never tasted our delicacy as a form of advertisement.”


She thanked him and left.

At Home
Yerro was on top of the world as he came home excited as a small kid jumping and being in a hilarious mood Asum was frustrated with their two babies Ngenarr one year and baby Baaba just few weeks crying and groaning as Ngens was also vying for attention and jealousy over her small brother. Asum was cursing and fretting.

He showed her the letter jumping up and down before reading it Asum asked him a question;

   “Yerro! Have you won a jack pot what is this excitement all about?”

   “Read if not I’ll not spill the bean.”

   She was forced to quickly read the letter but instead of showing Yerro’ excitement she showed some concern;
“Work at the Headquarters? Why can’t you start with the subsidiary? How can you leave your young family and work faraway at the headquarters? I was pleased but not comfortable.”

He felt disappointed;
“How can you say that when we waited for four years before one of us got a gainful employment was this not we were praying for? Headquarters is just here at our nose what are you talking about? I’ll be here every weekend and when I settled down I’ll relocate the family there you know I cannot be away from you for long.”

   “Okay Sunshine is just that I am a bit apprehensive you know these small girls after sugar daddies but I’ll be damn to allow any woman snatch you away from me we work very hard to build up this relationship.”

“Be rest assured that can never happen we are one soul mates I’ll go check and found a suitable accommodation then we can relocate and we continue our business over there and your kid sister can continue the business at home as a supplement.”

   “I am a graduate I’ll also find a deserving job and my kid sister will continue the business.”

“There is no need for that my pay has fringe benefits which can cater for my family you can relax and supervise the business while you take care of the family and let your sister run it.”

”Hello no Yerro I’ve not gone to school to become a house wife I want a gainful job the restaurant business was just to keep mind and soul together I want economic independence and not to be totally dependent on my husband I don’t know what tomorrow can bring as it is always pregnant with surprises.”

“Sweet heart you are completely right just be happy and suit yourself over there I’ll also be seeking employment for you as a Human Development Specialist.”

   “Thank you Sweet heart for being always supportive I appreciate.”

At Headquarters
Pat took Yerro around and introduced him to the staff;
“This our colleague from our next door neighbour a Civil Engineer by profession four years no gainful employment but he was ingenious to make himself self-employed I patronized his restaurant and found him out.”

He noticed that Pat deliberately refused to mention his wife but he did when he finally introduced himself;
“She is right but she forgot to mention my soul-mate my wife in fact we are both graduate of Social Science she too being a Human Development Specialist of high caliber we established a successful food business together but she too is seeking for gainful employment and I’ll help her in that endeavour preferably here in this city.”

She is not happy but being very smart she corrected herself;
“Forgive my manners I forget not deliberate that they are lovebirds who do everything together; I am very sorry Mr. Yerro forgive my manners.”

“It is okay.”

In soliloquy she vowed to separate the couple;
“Yerro is too sweet to be left alone I’ve waited for long to have such sexy man.”

Yerro is always keen to go for weekends he’ll shop goodies for the family and Asum also is anxious for it but Pat was not happy as she plans to deny Asum her sole right to have her husband to herself and their kids.
To be Cont.