Saayii Tolof – Part 292 Episode 24 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Yakarr’ Hope)


Episode 24 is the story of a young woman who was severely punished by her uncles who rejected her as a baby when she lost her mom who was accused of committing an abomination. She lived through hellfire but did she smile again?

Extreme Poverty
ro was co-habiting with his boyfriend Housainou she bore him a boy Aimerou Housainou came from work and asked for his food which she brought and left as he searched for pieces of meat there were none then he protested;
“Choro! Choro! Come here!” She came then he asked;
“The soup is watery and there are no pieces of meat only bits and pieces of fish and I gave you D300 dalasi?” He protested.

“There was no rice in the house I took the D200 and bought some and cook with the D100 which was left surely that cannot buy meat.”

Housainou could not control his anger and temper on instinct he just poured the soup into Choro’ eyes she fell upon the ground and yelled as he rushed into the house.

A Good Samaritan
   Waljojo just arrived in his car and rescued Choro from the mayhem he took out water from his car was washed her face; Housainou came out from the house with a machete and started to fight Wal who took out a gun and he ran back into the house pretending to be preparing himself better to fight Wal.

Choro’ Origin
A woman was very sick with a strange illness as she laid on bed with her 9 months old baby beside her.
“Yassin wake up your baby is crying feed her there is no need to get up feed her while laying down.”
The silence worried grandma Hoyan she called again and again felt her pulse listened to her heart but everything was silent.
“It is not what I am thinking?” She shook her vigorously but everything was drooping then she shouted for help;
Yassin don’t do this to your baby your girl needs you now more than anything else please wake up and suckle your baby.”

The Uncles
As grandma wailed her sons rushed in and enquired the reason for her outburst;
“What is happening mama? Why are you wailing?” the men asked.

   “My daughter is dead! My daughter is dead!” She wailed.

The Uncles
Even though converted to Islam they practiced their tradition;
“She will not be buried in the family grave we will bury her in the village grave as an outlaw who committed an abomination.’” There was no sympathy or respect for the dead she was hated alive and in death.

   “Stop talking evil about my daughter even in death are you God? Haven’t you ever sin? My daughter will be buried in the family grave.”

The Uncles
“With all due respect mom she is also our sister but remember she killed our father because of her wayward lifestyle he was ashamed as the elder of our clan when his daughter refused her betrothed husband and went to the city to work as a maid and started to sell her body until she returned home after our fathers’ death with a strange illness that killed her if we bury her here our father’ spirit will hunt us to death. She was an outlaw and would be treated as such.” They vehemently argued supported by the clan elders present.

    “Because I am a woman I have no voice you have no respect for me then I’ll kill myself and you have two corpses to bury. My daughter was astray because of society but truly she was a good person if anyone of you have died society would not question your character because you are a man why should my daughter be judged in death? Isn’t it a parochial and patriarchal society?”
The eldest clan member Pa Bysenty advised them to bury Yassin in the family grave yard and they reluctantly did it.

The orphan Girl
All the relatives refused to adopt her calling Choro ‘bad luck’ child;
“Had she not eaten both parents who died of a strange illness I learnt if anyone adopt her he/she would die let us leave her with her grandma.” Some relatives argued.

   She took the burden upon herself;
“Ala ammut pour sani doom! I’ll breastfeed her from the same source I breastfed her mother and uncles.” She breastfed her until milk started to be produced;
“May Allah forgive Yassin for her sins she has a good heart and never forgot me while in the city she was unable to visit home because of her father’ curse placed upon her.” She prayed.

Nine years Later
Choro grew into a beautiful girl hardworking and studious in her studies grandma called her aside and praised her.
“Shame the detractors my grandchild they all said you’ll grow useless as your mother but don’t listen to them develop and continue your positive energy.”

The Community
   Choro is called all sorts of names and the nearest neighbours refused to let their kids play with her;
“This is a curse girl didn’t I forbid you to have anything to do with her? She killed both her parents who died of strange illness.” Aunty Sophie dragged her child Hassum who was fighting with Choro.

“Why does everyone talk bad about me and my mother? Am I cursed? Did I kill my parents but they say they die of strange illness which is which?” She kept asking herself with no answer in sight for her.
“Allah is my pillar of strength and life.’ And she was very prayerful and always prayed for grandma and her late parents who she never met.
“Now that my parents are gone it is only my grandma I have on earth please God take good care of her for me.” She prayed.

11 Years Later
Choro is growing into a beautiful woman and resembled her mom very well as grandma kept telling her. But her uncles hated her especially Uncle Mawdor who hated her with passion. He found her resting after working all day and through the night as grandma sells ‘chere’ which goes with a lot of preparation all drudgery because they don’t have the money to pay for pounding of the grain.

Uncle Mawdor
He hit her hard as he found her lying on the mat upon the floor;
“Get up lazy bone just like mother and daughter you resemble your useless mother and take her looks and traits, why are you still lying down at daybreak?”

   “Uncle I am not lazy I have been preparing the ‘chere’ all day and through the night up to 5a.m this is the only time I have to have a bit of rest before I start my day afresh.”

Uncle Mawdor
He went in search of his cane to come and whip her;
“Wait for me I am coming for you do you talk back at me?” Choro ran for dear life before he return with the cane.
To be Cont.