Saayii Tolof – Part 284 EPISODE 23 (Difficult Marriages- ‘Yakarr’ Hope)


At Hope’ House
 She went home and was on her phone and just in front of her centre table was a packed dinner beautifully wrapped and a bottle of wine wrapped in colourful ribbons and around it a diamond ring then as she was wondering she heard a soothing voice behind her which asked;
“Do you like what you’ve seen?” Then Hope turned around whom did she see?
“Would you marry me and be the mother of my children?” Hope was overwhelmed.

Hope’ Desire
She opted for a quiet wedding which Mrs. B and Olu supported they became man and wife and went for a honey moon in the Caribbean for a month then came back.

Life with Mrs. B
She became the daughter she never had and took good care of her. Mrs. B was on top of the world as Hope gave her love and care.
“I have not mistaken for choosing you for my son I was right the lord had shown me that and I am very grateful to him for giving me a daughter like you I took out the in-law because you are a daughter a real daughter take care of my son and my legacy when I am gone.”

“Mama you are going no-where you would be here for a while and remember sometimes the doctors don’t get it right.”

Mrs. B.
“But this time they do I just have some few months to live but I’ll live it to the best of my ability with you beside me.” Then Hope started to cry but Mama consoled her.

Mrs. B
“I don’t need tears my daughter you know what I need and you are giving it to me in abundance that is love and care I am also praying that you have a daughter who would take good care of you.”

“Amen oh! Amen!” She wiped her tears.

Mrs. B
She looked at the picture hung on the wall and smiled as she called Hope to come to her;
“Thank you my daughter for marrying my son I can now die peacefully please show him the light of life and of God.”

“Mama stop talking about the inevitable whenever you mention death you sadden my heart.” Mrs. B shook her head and smiled.

Sabina with her mother Madame Ify
Madame Ify is angry with her daughter she insulted and called her names;
“Look at you how can you lose your chance of marrying into wealth after nursing it for 5 good years? My chairperson bought 30 pieces of cloth and has shared it among the rest I was fortunate not to take when I saw the wedding card I almost choke to death but have to pretend and went back to my shop to nurse my wounds. Your foolishness has shamed me why didn’t you tell me you were having issues in your relationship? Why should the daughter of a lioness suddenly turn to be like the daughter of a goat? Look I have to sell my car thinking that future my son-in-law would buy me a posh car now you have ruined my chance.” She yelled at Sabina.

“Stop yelling people passing by will hear you.” Madame Ify almost hit Sabs had she not ran away.

Madame Ify
“Why shouldn’t I yell? Why did you come to my shop crying if you were able to solve your problem? Look at your ‘tarimbeh’ (worthless beauty) when I was your age I trapped your father after eating my luck from many rich men but he was my choice witty, handsome, considerate and above all love me greatly and treated me as a queen that’s why I got you a beautiful lady witty and intelligent but you are unlike me that’s why you made me mad.”

Death of Mrs. B
Workers from the company came to pay their condolence and Sabina was among them. At the end of the day she went out after Olu when he was conveying some friends who came to pay condolence; she protested;

“What about our plans, how far?”

He became mad;
“Are you insane? My mother has just died and you are here talking about plans? What plans do you want us to discuss and is it now the best time? What sort of person are you”

“I have no choice you were avoiding me since you got married to that thing you call a wife; where do I stand after spending 5 years of my valuable time with you? You have to work according to my plan and my schedule.” She turned his face and wanted to kiss him but Olu stopped her.

“Sabina go home I’ll call you when I need you.” Sabina blocked the door. A worker from the company Khadijah came out and bade Olu good bye.
“Get out! I am done with you!”

“I am not done let us discuss it right and now! Do you think you can use me and dump me? You are coming for a hard time boy!”

“You are mad I’ll not follow you get out!” He pushed her out as Hope came out saw them and go her way. Sabina got angry and went away.

Sabina’ Home
She is discouraged and asked her mom;
“I don’t know what to do I look so stupid can you help me mom?”

Madame Ify
“Where am I going to start why are you asking me now when you mess yourself up and have destroyed everything? You lose Olu to a nobody with no name and to add insult to injury you went and disgraced yourself at a burial ceremony you are not a classic daughter of a lioness; you have two types of men which of them promise you marriage to keep space for you? The man upstairs or the one downstairs?” She yelled at Sabs and she protested.

“Mama I am here why do you shout?”

Madame Ify
“Why would I not shout? Why do you come to my shop and asked for help?” I am a lioness and I call the shots. That’s why I won the trophy your father and we have a flawless daughter like you!”

To be Cont.