Saayii Tolof – Part 260 EPISODE 20 (Difficult Marriages: Nyaka Domm Chi Saaye – ‘Jasir’ Bareness)


Papa E
 He visited one of his kinsmen Alhajj Babou Bada;
“Koto your brother’ house is on fire I need a loan to settle an urgent matter and would pay back as soon as I received my percentage from a land deal.”

“How much are you talking about?”

Papa E
“D50, 000 to be precise.”

“I have some money for keep and the owner does not need it for a month I can borrow you from that sum what are brothers for?”

He was given the money and he went away.

Mama Oulaye
She visited her friend Mama Abi who is her Kafo’ President;
“What am I hearing and I even saw it with my own eyes Papa E is not himself he is absent minded, talk to himself and is always nervous in hurry as if he is pursuing someone or someone is pursuing him do something before it gets out of hand.”

Mama Oulaye
“My sister and friend what can I do? Both myself and our children confronted him but he kept saying that he is being pursued by his enemies whom we do not know about; the only solution I’ve seen is for him to confess if he has committed a crime or face the wrath of the ancestors period!”

Mama Abi
“Is that what you have to say in such a serious matter?”

Mama Oulaye
“What else can I say? Am I going to kill myself for him? Look at my armpit they are clean O! They are clean!” She raised her hands up.

Mama Abi
“You cannot be indifferent are you not his wife for better or for worse?” Mama Oulaye shrugged her shoulders;
“I’ve heard you.” And left for home.

She visited her friend Kendaka who came from the city she works there as a house keeper for an expatriate family she brought some beautiful gifts for her and has phoned Binta to come for her gift.

“I’ve missed you very badly work at the city was hectic my boss was always throwing parties and making me walk on my toes as the chief house keeper with an entourage of house helps I can found you one if you wish.” She gave her the gifts.

“As for the job keep it for now because Mama would not heard of it she wants me to stay and possibly marry in the village as all my four sisters have married and living with their husbands abroad.”


“I’ve missed my gossip! Whatsup since I left the village?”

Binta “Not much only that Kumuna passed on.”

“What! It’s a pity was she sick?”

“Pregnancy related she did not even gave birth it is a sad story.”

She kept quiet for a while reflecting;
“Such a nice girl how is Madike coping they were such a pair loving and lovely.”

“He is a psychic problem now we are struggling for him to cope to relive his life all over again but it is very difficult as he became angry with everyone.”

“I would come home to pay my condolence.”

“Please do it would be appreciated.” Then Binta left for home as she spotted her dad running and wailing saying that someone was after him she ran after him quite embarrassed.

The Family
Mama Oulaye was discussing with Madike when dad came in running and going into his house;
“This is what I am talking about! He is behaving as if mad if such a thing happen our family would be accused of witchcraft. Mama please let us do something.” He pleaded they went to his door knocked, knocked hard but he refused to cope.

Mama Oulaye
“This is what I tell you how can such a stubborn man be helped?”

At the Shrine
As the Chief Priest was making the charm for him Kumuna’ ghost appeared through hallucination and he asked;
“Who are you and what can I do for you?”

“Are you not two of a kind? You help him perpetuate and perpetrate evil your time is up you’ll not live to narrate your story.” She struck him dead and disappeared.

Back to the Shrine
Papa E came and panicked there was the Chief priest dead as a stone with the money he gave him placed at his chest he ran away as fast as his legs would carry him panting and swearing very afraid that death was coming closer.

Back to his kinsman
He went back to Koto and returned his money back to him;
“Take your money I don’t need it anymore.”

“Why what happened?” He wanted to say something but the apparition appeared again through hallucination and said;
“Tell him your story.” He gaped eyes transfixed;
“Tell him!” The ghost instructed hit him and he fell upon the ground. Koto is scared;
“Don’t die here! Don’t die here!” She instructed and disappeared. Papa E got up and ran as fast his legs could carry him.

At Home
He is in great pain with a sprained ankle Mama Oulaye massaged it with warm water as he cried in pain.

Mama Oulaye
She became more blunt;
“Are you hiding anything from us we are your family concern about your health?”

Papa E
As blunt as ever he insisted that he is not hiding anything that it is his enemies who are after his life and nothing else. Mama hissed and disbelieved him.

Mama Oulaye
“You are not telling the truth but Insha Allah time will tell your story my hands are clean.”

She appeared again and held a machete threatening to strike him he cried;
“Look at it, it wants to strike me.”

Mama Oulaye
“We  have not seen anything.” Mama and Binta said.

The Kinsmen
They are devastated as they discussed the Shrine Keeper’ death;
“Umpa was found dead at his shrine with money placed at his chest; what does that mean? He is a greedy man always compromising the values of the ancestral shrine they might be angry with him to warrant his death.” His brother Ansumana posited concurred by his cousin Alfusainey who have converted to Islam but they still believe and subscribed to the shrine.
To be Cont.