Saayii Tolof Part 252 EPISODE 28 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Yaaye Ju Buge’ The Greedy Mother)


Marriage Life
 Efy became a bona fide house wife she does the household chores without any help;
“Can you hire me a house help?” She pleaded with Ted.

   “House help! What for? Are you not a house help yourself? Are you in any drudgery as your mom? Every job is automation in this house I have a house boy that is enough serve your husband for once and stop the nagging.” That was end of story as Efy never request for one again.

The Lady Guests
Ted cannot see a woman/girl in skirt, wrapper or trousers he is infatuated to all of them as he changes them as socks and when he invites them to the house Efy has to entertain them as in party or as individuals some naughty females call her names and caricature her she bears all these humiliation without complaint as Mama Aiye advises her to bear.

Mama Aiye
“It is marriage my daughter remember many people in this village are against your marriage to Ted starting from your father who does not want to see our progress then your cousin Bimbo and Tunde and his family the list goes on but shame them my daughter by denying them issues to talk about. Every marriage has problem/s but it depends how it is managed never wash your dirty linen outside.”
These words of wisdom always echo in her mind and gave her respite to bear the humiliation.

 She is very depressed who was to share her pain? There was no food in the house she warm the leftover food from the freezer Ted slept out came early in the morning and asked for food Efy served him left over food ‘malo tangal’ and he scolded her;

  “What is this? What have you serve me?”

   “’Malo Tangal’ you did not leave me any fish money.”

  “Is that what you have to say? Did your father have fish money? He cannot even provide you with decent house.”

 “He provide us with house and we never lack fish money and we cook every day and always get fresh farm produce with meat or fish please never mention my dad again he is wise as he never supported this ill-fated marriage curse my mother her greed landed me into this hell of a marriage.”

  “What a foul mouth! Am I your equal? Goat and sheep found themselves in same shelter because of the rainy season.” He found her lay on the settee and he raped her there.

“Are you not a rapist I don’t blame you that was how you were conceived.”

  “What! I am going to kill you.” He came out with a gun and pointed it at Efy who shook like a leaf.

  “What do you want to kill me? Kill me now what an existence it is better for me to die than to live.”

   He laughed and cried at the same time with weirdness;
“You are lucky thank your stars but let me not find you in my house when I come back or else your coffin will come out of my mansion.”

  As soon as Ted left she shook like a leaf and left for her home in a jiffy with nothing.

At Home
Mama Aiye
She was preparing lunch when Efy came in tears she halted her at the gate and went out of the compound to hear her complain before dad comes home to witness the shame.
“Efisiny my daughter! What has brought you home in distress? Let us go somewhere secretive to talk.” The duo went behind the compound under a tree and talk.
“My daughter share your pain I am all ears.”

  “Mama look at your beautiful daughter just married about a year ago what did you see? I am a shadow of myself I’ve done everything you’ve advice under the book but nothing seem to work with this junky who does not value any woman; he sees women as toys to play with he is a junky sadist who enjoys inflicting pain in the opposite sex he infatuates and when he’s done you are treated as trash hence he has money he uses it as a weapon to woo women who always come in their multitude; I regretted the day you made me fell for this drug addict. To crown it all he almost kill me today as he put gun at my throat he said let me count myself lucky but if he should find me home I would come out of it in coffin before that let me come here and die in your arms; he does not give me fish money but can go out and spend thousands on women, clothing is out of it and the most important of all respect he murdered my self-esteem and dignity he can undressed me naked and rape me anywhere. Enough is enough Mama I am quitting this marriage.”

Mama Aiye
“You cannot quit just like that let me go to him and enquire before we take any step.”

Papa Eku
  He eavesdropped and heard everything he laughed aloud to make them realize he heard everything;
“Are you hiding to discuss why? Come out and discuss in the open am I not vindicated, from the onset I know Ted is not a husband material he is a junky who was displaying illicit money he did not work hard to get it that’s why he was throwing it about to catch greedy souls, what sort of mother are you to throw your only daughter at a blast furnace to get her burn to death? This is not marriage but hell fire you made your bed so lay on it I am not part of sort yourself out as you acted mother and father.”
To be Cont.