Saayii Tollof Part 525 EPISODE 35 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Baah’ Ak ‘Raakaju’ ‘Niitu Be Lakale’)


Back to the Shrine
“Nothing happened as you have predicted MAAMA things are getting worse.” Maama narrated with desperation.

She was enraged;
“How do you disbelieve me? For how long have I been making Juju for you? How dare you accuse me of lying? Have it been done as I instructed?”

“No! Baah did not allow it happen he brought his fiancée and slept with her in fact my daughter Niitu was pulled from the bed as she forces herself and pushed out from the room disgracefully.”

“You have spoken the reason why it did not work that’ what I told you in the first instance why did you hide this truth from the first instant.” She went back into the bush and brought some dark powder.
“This is another powder let your daughter sprinkle it in Baah Room it will drive away his fiancée forever and make Niitu takes back her man who still loves her. Now go and do exactly as I have instructed.”

At Baah’ Room
Niitu came and knocked at the door,
The duo refused to answer and she forced herself inside she was ignored but she said,
“I’ve come to sweep the room it is very dirty can I do it?”
She found the lovers in bed relaxing.

“No but thanks I’ll sweep it after relaxing.” The duo continued to ignore her and concentrated on their sweet romantic chat.

She was all the more desperate and frustrated as the duo continued to block her ambition she sprang and fought them again.

He was forced to apply physical fist on her as he dragged her out of the room and locked it behind her.
“Leave us alone we are divorced but if you continue to harass me I’ll be force to throw you away even with the baby. The Juju cannot work tell MAAMA the devil incarnate am done with you get out of my house out of my life!”

The Duo
They decided to drive away as the situation was getting critical Niitu has gone mad being driven by her mother to harass Baah and Jomm.

“Where are you going to this early morning and when are you coming back? The baby is ill and need to be taken to the clinic.”

“The doctor will come to the house to treat the baby that it not a problem.”

“Again the Juju cannot work what am I going to do?” She called the security.

“Yes Ma I am here.”

“Why did you open gate for them?”

“Open gate for who?”

“Open gate for Baah and his bitch?”

“He is boss and Madam what was I to do if not I lose my job then who will feed my family?”

She gave him a nasty slap and hailed insults and curses upon him;
“Next time I’ll skin you alive.”

He came back but not with Jomm he spoke to Eteh his friend;
“I am travelling out of town but will soon be back if my transactions are done on time.”

She heard him talking to Eteh and she alerted Niitu;
“We still have a chance Baah is travelling tomorrow when he is bathing sneak in and sprinkle the Juju under the bed when he lay on the bed it will work go now and get ready as he enters the bathroom.”

She exactly did as instructed and expressed an evil smile when it was done;
“Just wait until you sleep on the bed the Juju will work.”

He came out and Eteh called her again;
“Come immediately something interesting prop up and you will want to hear and see it yourself.”
He came out heading for his car Niitu came out;

In desperation she show urgency and concern and this alerted Baah;
“Where to are you not going to sleep the night?”

“What is your problem? You are nothing to me no strings attached where I sleep is not your concern.” He went into his car and drove away.

When he left Niitu yelled;
“I am ill luck this Juju will never work if Baah do not sleep on this bed it will be rendered null and void. I am finished!”

“Have faith my daughter have faith. Baah is not travelling outside the country he will come back the Juju is not finish I still have some with me.”

“Are you sure? Baah has packed a suitcase why should he if he is not travelling outside the country?”

She put a brave face but as lost faith in MAAMA;
“It is a hopeless game but I still hang on and see how it works in the future I’ll never give up.” She said to herself.

She kept calling Baah but he refused to take her call but later he decided and picked up his phone;

“Yes Niitu what can I do for you?”

“I phoned many times but you refused to pick up it is the baby he is getting worse.”

“Okay I have alerted Eteh and Doc. they will be there very soon no need to go anywhere.”

“When are you coming we have to discuss some important issues about the baby which I cannot say over the phone.”

“My transactions are almost done I’ll come back soon.”

“Where are you here or abroad?” Baah switched off his phone.

Eteh with Doc.
The duo came home and she prevented them from seeing the baby;

“Who are you and want do you want?”

“You are pretending and you know who I am where is the sick child? Baah asked us to come for Doc. to thoroughly check him.”

She went into tantrums;
“Eteh hands off our affairs you broke our relationship and situate your prostitute of a sister on him your Juju will not work on me and my son the Doc. you brought is Quack and I’ll not allow him touch my son go away you are not welcome in my home.”

“You were lying nothing happens to the baby your pranks will never work again Baah is freed forever from your mother and yourself he will marry his life partner and live happy forever.” He turned to Doc. Manneh and said;
“She is playing pranks the baby is okay we’ll report to Baah.”

She again call Baboucarr the security and insulted and cursed him;
“Why did you open for those hooligans? You are fired go and never show your face again!”
To Be Cont.