By Amie Sillah More Pictures Rugi sent more pictures to Cissy’s I Phone showing Nopi posing with different girls in compromising positions. Cissy cried bitterly and went to Aunty Marie and showed her the pictures. At first Aunty was confused as she no longer is sure what to believe or not to believe. Cissy She wept bitterly and swore to quit her marriage. “It is true Rugi was right, Nopi is a snake under a green grass, he flirts with women and engaged in sexual orgies with them; what am I doing in this marriage were I am disrespected and exposed to STIs; if I asked him he malaises me and deny me my conjugal rights as a punishment; I am going to leave him and please he should not be alerted.” Aunty Marie She gave her motherly advice. “Look before you leap and always know that all that glitters is not gold. Discuss with your husband, it can also be that someone is bent on destroying your marriage.” Cissy “Don’t you worry I know what to do.” She left Aunty Marie’s quarters. Aunty Marie She had a frank talk with Nopi and narrated everything to him. “Is it true?” She showed him the printed pictures and he exclaimed. Nopi “I had my suspect, it is Rugi who is trying to rift us apart but how am I to convince Cissy without proof, she chased after me and I rejected her and she is paying back to split us, she warned me of drastic action, who can do this to me? I don’t know of any other enemy. All the same I’ll speak to her.” The Surprise and Disappointment Nopi came to an empty house; he went into every room to check but to no avail he then preceded to Aunty Marie and what did he found? Baby Ndungu was crying. Nopi “Where is her mother?” Aunty Marie She showed him the note. The Note “Take your daughter I am out of here and I’ve gone where you’ll never found me; feast on your various mistresses; I don’t want to be infected. Bye-bye!” Relocated She relocated to the Casamance and went to live among her mother’s relatives. She learnt French and became a teacher in a primary School. Remains Single She is a beautiful, attractive woman and many suitors came after her but to no avail and she remain incommunicado with her husband. The Company It grew to higher heights and there was staff satisfaction, Aisha was promoted to the post of General Manager; the other staff become jealous of her and where speculating that Nopi will marry her but it never materialize as Nopi became all exclusive and decided to remain single for life. Nopi He decided to nurse his baby exclusively; he takes her to work and baby sits her to the amazement of everyone, he feeds and changes her nappies. Behind his back his staff gossip about him. Mam Ndeban “Cissy accused Nopi of being with Aisha, why didn’t he marry her when Cissy left him? Look at his sorry site, a CEO of a successful company babysitting his daughter!” Raki “It was only an evil gossip, the two were never together.” Mam Ndeban “How sure are you that they were never together? What about the compromising pictures?” Raki “You are ‘dungs’, don’t you know about camera tricks? Someone vicious was bent on destroying their marriage which the person accomplished.” The gossipers saw Aisha coming and they quickly started working on their computers. She hissed and walked past them. Journalists were amused as many lined up to interview Nopi babysitting but he declines all invitations. Daddy’s daughter She grew healthily and when daddy is busy Aunty Marie takes over and these two people shape her life and she sees Aunty May as her biological mother. Nanny Marie She takes her to church and teaches her moral education and she grew up into a responsible teenager. Aminata (Minah) She is her best friend, an orphan brought up by her maternal aunt who has no biological child of her own; Aunty Saptieu is middle class and is very kind, a trained nurse midwife by profession. She encourages Minah to be focused and ambitious and to pair with Ndungu who is trained and disciplined. The Truth Ndungu finds out that Nanny Marie is not her biological mother but her nanny from birth. Ndungu She confronted her daddy after dinner prepared and served by her. “Daddy where is my biological mother?” Nopi He remained silent for seconds then asked; “Aunty Marie of course! Why do you ask?” Ndungu She remained silent with disbelief. And she challenged her dad. “Dad! What did you and Nanny Marie teach me, is it not to tell truth at all times?” Her question embarrassed her dad and compelled him to tell her the truth. Nopi “You are right that’s what we taught you; I lied she is your nanny and not your mom.” Ndungu “Who is my mom, is she alive or dead?” Nopi “ Don’t open old wounds my daughter; to be frank with you as you have demanded, I don’t know whether your mom is alive or death; she abandoned us when you were three months old and disappeared into thin air leaving me and Nanny Marie to take care of you that’s why you get the nickname ‘Daddy’s Girl’ but what is important is we made it we survive, therefore baby girl never mention that evil mother’s name in our house again; am I not a good daddy?” Ndungu “You are correct dad, she is an evil, irresponsible woman to leave her three months baby with her husband and disappeared into thin air, I hate her! I hate her!” Nopi “I still love her despite what she did to me but I distrust her also I don’t want you to grow up hating her, she is your mother who gave birth to you.” Ndungu “She is not my mother, she wanted me dead that’s why she abandoned me to blind fate, what would have happened if you were like her?” Nopi “God made me unlike her, please lets remain positive and live our productive life.” Can Ndungu forget her mother? To be Cont. ]]>
Saaye Tolof-Tolof Part 5 (Difficult Marriages)
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