ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL ‘Council Should Be Service Provider, Not Political Tool’ Bakary Badjie

Bakary Badgie

By: Fatoumatta K. Jallow

Bakary Badjie, the Independent Candidate vying for the Mayoral seat of the Kanifing Municipality, has told Foroyaa that Council should not be a political tool for any political party; that rather it should be a Council that provides services to the people because that’s the main reason why they are established and that’s why people are paying their taxes.

Badjie said partisan politics should be over and they shouldn’t vote for people based on party affiliation, but rather for a program that would benefit the people. He added that he is the only candidate who has that credential. He pleaded to the electorate to vote for him so that before the end of his term, there will be significant change in the Municipality.  

Badjie said he is contesting under an independent ticket for two reasons: that one is he does not believe Council should be a political tool for a party, and second is that the best way to serve the people of the municipality is to contest as an independent candidate in order not to be subject of any political party.

“If elected, I will be working with Ward development committees to provide services to the people. Secondly, my candidature is mostly backed by young people who came from different political backgrounds. We do not believe in the concept of parties, because our concept is to work together as one people, no matter which party you support,’’ he said.

He urged the public to vote for competent and qualified people and the agenda they bring to them; that this is why he prepared his manifesto. “I am confident that I am the right candidate for KMC because I have certain principles I follow. I am sure I will deliver the services people require especially with the amount of money the Council gets from tax. So the people will be benefiting from this because I have that experience in the Council,’’ he said.