NATIONAL NEWS Global media Monitoring Project (GMMP) 2015


By Amie Sillah A Regional Training Workshop for Coordinators was held at Lome,Amie S capital of Togo between 16 -17 March, 2015. Similar workshops are being held throughout the Globe in 130 countries; statistics will be analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively on same day and at same time, a unique project!  18 male and female participants across Africa attended the Regional workshop. Amie Joof-Cole, Executive Director and Medoune Seck, the Programme Officer FAMEDEV, a Pan African Ngo for Gender Network, Media and Development were the trainers. The contextual framework and contexts were shared with Coordinators who are expected to go back to their respective countries to in turn organize and train monitors who will monitor radios, T.V, newspapers, internet and twitter to get a Global perspective of how gender is being portrayed in Media. Amie Sillah of Women for Democracy and Development (WODD) was among the Coordinators trained. Coordinators were certificated after two days extensive/intensive training. Sessions were interactive, lively and rewarding.]]>