MDI STUDENTS UNION HOPES FOR PEACEFUL TRANSFER OF POWER Calling for boycott of classes and exams


By Ndey Sowe

On Monday, 19 December 2016, the Management Development Institute Students Union, issued a statement calling for a boycott of classes and exams and hoping looking forward to a peaceful transfer of political power.

The statement, signed by the president of the union, indicated that the students union is a non-partisan origination whose primary function is to ensure student welfare and which is properly supported by administration and academic staff. It noted that however given the fact that we operate within a system (i.e. Academic, Political, Legal) ,it naturally falls on them to clarify their position viz a viz the untenable posture of the outgoing president, Yahya Jammeh, in relation to the systemic transfer of Power to the president elect, Adama Barrow.

“The frightful intransigence has the potential of plunging our beloved country into civil strife. In our own way, we hope that boycotting classes, boycotting examination and every other MDI related activity would lead to the buildup of critical a mass leading to the triumph of reason and sanity and a peaceful and speedy resolution of the unfortunate political impasse,” the statement concluded.