Massive Power Outage Hits Rural Gambia


By Ansumana Touray

As the COVID-19 pandemic is taking its toll on the economic and social life of the people, residents of Jarumeh Koto in the Central River Region North (CRR) and environs are experiencing electricity outages for more than 72hrs.

As practicing Muslims who are fasting in this holy month of Ramadan, electricity is more important to the people of the Region than ever before, in the provision of cold water and food storage for them.

Speaking to a resident of Jarumeh Koto in the person of Adama Ceesay, the need for uninterrupted supply of electricity throughout the month of Ramadan is paramount especially when the weather is extremely hot at this time of the year.

‘‘Considering the hot weather condition of the countryside at this time of the year, lack of electricity makes life so difficult for us. We have to cross the border to Senegal to get ice blocks just for us to get cold water during this month of Ramadan. Now this is impossible for us because of the corona virus pandemic, when Senegal has closed her borders for entry,’’ Ceesay said.

According to Adama, those with refrigerators who keep perishable items such as meat, fish and vegetables, are enduring huge economic loses because of lack of electricity.

‘‘We urge the authorities concerned to make sure electricity supply is constant in this Region especially during this holy month of Ramadan,’’ one resident who is engaged in selling ice blocks told this reporter.