MAMBURY NJIE STILL IN CUSTODY After acquittal by court


By Mustapha Jallow Mr. Mambury Njie, a former Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs isMambury Njie still detained without trial. Mr Njie was re-arrested at his residence in Brusubi on 9 October, 2014, and later whisked away to the NIA detention centre in Banjul. He spent 68 days under detention without being released or taken before a court of law. His long detention has exceeded the 72 hours mandatory time limit for detention without trial as stipulated by the Constitution of the Gambia. No charge has been preferred against him and his family members have not been informed of any reason for his arrest and detention. . The fact is that Mr. Njie was earlier acquitted and discharged on two counts of economic crime and neglect of official duty by Justice Mikailu Abdulahi of the special criminal division of the high court in Banjul on 3 July 2014.]]>