Is There Enough Sensitisation On The Registration Process?



Some people are still going around asking for help to get National ID cards under the pretext that they cannot get voters’ cards without it. Voter apathy is partly caused by lack of sensitisation on the registration process.

It would be prudent for the IEC to inform voters whether it is going to retain the same registration centres that it relied on to conduct the past registration. If that is the case then many old voters will not have any problem in tracing where they should be registered. It would then be advisable for each registering officer to sensitise new voters on where to make their claims for registration and when.

We therefore hope that the IEC will take the initiative to make it very clear that one could get a voter’s card as long as one is eighteen years or above and one possesses one of the following documents:

a)    a birth certificate;

b)   a Gambian passport;

c)     a National Identity Card; and

d)   a document certified by the District Seyfo or an Alkalo of the village of birth of the applicant stating that the applicant was born in the village or district.