How Will The IEC Handle The National Assembly Election In Foni Kansala?



Recent gunfire in Casamance near the Gambian border has displaced many Gambian voters in Foni Kansala who are now being accommodated in villages along the Birkama-Soma highway. These voters are scared to return to their villages for the time being, and the NDMA puts the number of internally displaced persons at more than 5,000 people, implying that a significant number of voters in the District have been displaced.

This is an issue that the IEC will have to handle given that elections are just ten days away and Section 26 of the Constitution gives every citizen the right to elect and be elected.

Will the IEC make arrangements to facilitate voting or will they defer the election in this particular constituency until a later date?

Where the law does not make provision for any situation, the IEC has the power to deal with the situation in line with the standards and rules of natural justice and fairness.

In short, Section 127 of the Elections Act states:

“Where an issue arises relating to electoral matters which is not addressed by this Act or any other law, the Commission shall resolve the issue in keeping with the standards and rules of natural justice and fairness.”

Foroyaa will find out from the IEC how they intend to resolve the situation.