How Will The Electorate Vote This Time? Will We Do The Same As In Old Gambia?



Council elections are just around the corner and aspiring candidates are getting set to contest. They are busy bombarding the electorate for their support. But how will they vote? What issues will they take into consideration?

Since all the electorate cannot meet to be deciding matters concerning the council, trustees are elected to take charge and manage the resources of the council for the given local government area. They should have policies and programmes to sell to the electorate as the best for the local government area. Will these be the issues that the electorate will consider or will they continue to harbour parochial considerations such as ethnicity? If they consider issues at stake, then we are moving in the direction of the new Gambia. If, on the other hand, they bury themselves in petty and divisive consideration then new Gambia will elude us and we will continue to live in the past.