GPU to observe World Press Freedom Day


By Sailu Bah The Gambia Press Union will be joining the rest of the world to commemorate World  GPU to observePress Freedom Day on Sunday, 3rd May 2015. The GPU will hold a symposium at the Kairaba Beach Hotel, as disclosed by Gibairu Janneh, GPU executive secretary, at a press briefing yesterday. The GPU is organising the event in partnership with the National Commission for UNESCO the Gambia (NATCOM) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the theme “Let journalism thrive towards better reporting, gender equality and safety in the digital age”. Mr. Janneh noted the significance of the day, adding that  GPU intends to create awareness and engage stakeholders in a positive dialogue regarding the development of the media in the country. He said they want to improve the knowledge and skills of journalists on their role and impact in this digital age. “The day will serve as remembrance of all those journalists who were either killed or jailed simply because they were doing a journalistic work,” said the GPU Executive Secretary. Mr. Janneh added that the GPU seeks to create awareness on gender sensitive reporting and reporting on children issues as well as to showcase the significance of journalism in societies. “We should try as media personnel to come out in our numbers to joining the world in celebrating this remarkable day, and also people should try and come on time,” he said. The GPU Secretary General Saikou Jammeh said they are trying to have all the political Parties and members of the diplomatic corps represented at the symposium. Mr. Jammeh said the newly elected executive body of GPU will be engaging the government in a positive dialogue to promote the freedom and development of the media in the Gambia.]]>