The electoral cycle in The Gambia comprises presidential elections which is held within three months of the end of the term of office of the incumbent, National Assembly elections which are held four months after the presidential election and council elections which are held a year after the National Assembly elections.

This cycle has led to the increase in the term of the councillors, chairpersons and mayors beyond the four year term. The Supreme Court has ordered for the observance of the four year term.

Councils are grassroots representative institutions aimed at meeting the community needs of the electorate. This is why the electorate should be more concerned with council elections.

In the past, presidential elections used to attract a huge number of voters and a lesser turnout in National Assembly elections and dismally lower turnout during council elections.

There is need for massive voter education for the voters to take care of their communities and vote for their councillors who are deeply interested in their welfare. Foroyaa will follow the debate among the candidates.