In many parts of Africa today traditional rulers are descendants of former kings and political leaders are children or grandchildren of former first-generation political leaders.

In The Gambia for three decades the country has been led by people from humble origin whose forebears were never linked to the political evolution of the country. This break with the past should have enabled all Gambians to know that political power is not a private property or hereditary. It is owned by the people and could be entrusted to whoever they desire.

In the same vein, traditional rulers in The Gambia are appointed and removed without regard to origin. Every administration that comes uproots some chiefs and implants new ones. Since 2017 many chiefs have been removed just like in the previous administration did.

It is therefore hoped that these realities will awaken all to know that power in The Gambia is not permanent. No one should have appetite for it. One must just be ready to serve when duty calls.

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