Farmers Live In Limbo

A Woman Farmer At Tuba Kolong

The Gambia National Food Security Processing and Marketing Corporation (commonly known as GGC) has not issued any statement regarding the increase of the farm gate price of groundnuts from D20,000 per ton to D28,000 per ton as promised by the president in his rally in Bakau during the presidential campaign. The government has not indicated when the trade season would start and what the price per tonne would be.

This state of affairs twelve days into December 2021 is extremely heart troubling to the farming communities.

Foroyaa has sent reporters to the buying points (seccos) but everything is at a standstill, nothing is happening. The fear is that if Gambia does not start to buy its groundnuts farmers will find their way to Senegal to sell them there.

Foroyaa will monitor the tonnage purchased by GGC and compare it with the total production in the year 2020/2021 farming season. This will indicate what is happening to the groundnut trade.