NGOs set up their organizations, run them effectively (through democratic processes), and help them seek funding for their activities. In short, WASDA’s development agenda includes the formation and strengthening of local institutions so that more services could be provided to many farmers in URR. WASDA facilitated the formation and strengthening of a number of local institutions since WASDA was established. Examples of those local institutions include Tumana Association for Development (TAD), Wuli-West Groundnut Growers’ Association (WGGA), URR Dry Season Irrigated Rice Growers’ Association (URRIRGA), and WASDA Credit Union (WASDACU), respectively. All these institutions already have their respective constitutions ratified by their members and in addition, URRIRGA and WASDACU have their business registration with the Ministry of Justice complete. WASDA also helped TAD elect its officers, establish its directorate, and create linkageS between TAD and The Gambia Growth and Competitiveness Programme (GCP) through VSO Office, The Gambia. In addition to what had already been provided for the development of WGGA, WASDACU, and URRIRGA as institutions, respectively, WASDA also helped WGGA, WASDACU, and URRIRGA organize its first Annual General Meeting (AGM). So, it is very clear that WASDA is very active on the ground in URR not only helping farmers grow more food but also help set up local institutions that can provide additional help to URR farmers. Sidat Yaffa, Ph.D. Contact: [email protected] ]]>