Do all Gambians know that the sovereignty of the country resides in them?


Many still claim that leadership is by divine providence. Needless to say many are farmers who accept that what they get from their farms are based on divine providence but they do not select bad nuts and sow them and then pray for a bumper harvest.

Where ever there is choice there is responsibility to make an informed decision.  Sovereign citizens have a duty to see their representatives as seeds. They must try to gather evidence to gauge which candidates could best serve their common interest.  They are likely to reap what they sow. Those who are to select representatives are accountable for making bad decisions when they are confronted with abuse of authority and misrepresentation.

Sovereignty means to have full jurisdiction over or total control of an entity. The power to manage the affairs of the Gambia is in the hands of the Gambian people. No mature home owner would entrust his or her home to a person who does not have his or her interest at heart.

Power belongs to the people states Section 1 Subsection (2) of the Constitution. It reads: “The sovereignty of the Gambia resides in the people of The Gambia from whom all organs of government derive their authority and in whose name and for whose welfare the powers of government are to be exercised.”

Each Gambian should take ownership of his or her sovereign right to be an equal owner of the Gambia before the country could become a genuine Democratic Sovereign Republic.