Did Any Politcal Party Representative Claim That Covid- 19 Virus Is Being Used As A Tool In The Gambia And Is Not Evident In The Country?



Foroyaa has received a copy of an interview where a political representative is claiming that COVID-19 virus is not present in the Gambia and is just used as a tool.

Since the Facebook page of the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education could publish and withdraw fake news regarding the Foroyaa newspaper without any alert being paid to content, we would not wish to make the same mistake by publishing the name of the person before getting confirmation from him regarding the authenticity of the story.

COVID-19 is real. MRC is a reputable Medical Research Institution. They have conducted tests and have found people to test positive. The virus is in Europe and the US and has disrupted their economies and social life. Political figures who wait until deaths mount up before they accept that an illness poses a threat would be unfit to be called representatives of a people.

This issue does not need skeptics. The threat is real and we must prepare ourselves for the worst before it comes. Those who prepare themselves for the worst before it comes will prevent the worst from befalling them. This is the benefit of farsightedness. Learning from hindsight is the School of thought of the shortsighted.