Defence quizzes Airport Manager In Borry Saidy’s False Information Trial


By Kebba Jeffang
Defence Counsel Borry S. Touray on Tuesday, October 20, 2015 cross
examined Fabakary Kalleh, the Airport Manager, as the firstprosecution witness (pw1) in the false information trial of Borry J.
Saidy, the former Acting Manager of the Air Traffic Services at the
Banjul International Airport.
When the matter was called, Sub Inspector Ebrima Sarr led the
prosecution team to represent the IGP whilst Lawyer Touray appeared
for the accused person.
During cross examination, Mr. Kalleh confirmed that he is the airport
manager but is not in charge of the airport operations department. He
said the people working in that department are not also under him.
“My responsibilities are to help the Director of Airport Operations
plan and manage the budget and activities. I also provide frontline
staff within the department of airport operations, coordinate agencies
and stakeholders within the airport to ensure that standard and
recommended practices are adhered to during operations and any other
function as may be assigned by the Director of Operations or Director
General,” said PW1.
The police witness admitted that he is working immediately under the
Director of Operations.
When asked by the defence attorney to outline all the areas of
activities of the department of air operation within the Gambia Civil
Aviation Authority (GCCA) and Banjul International Airport, the
witness said the airport operation department is tasked with operating
Banjul International Airport. “These include managing the airport
terminal building, provide security, ensure clean and friendly
environment, ensure adherence to the national and international
standard operating procedures and recommended practices, serves as a
liaison within the civil aviation authority and those institutions and
individuals that have operational concerns, plan and manage operational
personnel, activities and budget,” said Mr. Kalleh.
PW1 told the court that operational personnel means aviation security
personnel, airport information and customer service personnel
(information desk), terminal supervisory staff and general services
“These staff are not directly working under me,” said Mr. Kalleh.
At this juncture, lawyer Touray applied for adjournment.
The prosecution led by Sub-Inspector Sarr did not object but submitted
that defence should conclude its cross examination of witness as he is
a busy person with a lot of official duties to carry out. He said some
of the questions of the defence counsel are too general that they are
nearly irrelevant.
However, this remark did not go down well with the counsel, who
considered it to be an insult.
The trial magistrate therefore asked the prosecutor to apologise to
the court and the counsel or else the case will be struck out.
Consequently, SI Sarr apologised to both the court and the lawyer.
The matter was then adjourned to 28th October, 2015 for the
continuation of cross examination of PW1 Kalleh.

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