Cuban Foreign Minister Presents Update on Impact of US Blockade


The Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, presented to the Diplomatic Corps accredited in Havana and to the national and foreign press, an update of a national Report on the impact of the US blockade on the Caribbean Island. The presentation was a prelude to the consideration by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) of a new draft resolution entitled: “Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba”, which will take place on October 29th and 30th at the UN headquarters.

Since 1992, the vast majority of the international community has ratified the UNGA, the rejection of this hostile policy of Washington reinforced to unprecedented levels during the impact of COVID-19 with the marked purpose of strangling the economy of the largest of the Antilles and causing a change of regime.

In his speech, the Minister of Foreign Affairs exemplified the damage deliberately caused by this illegal and inhumane policy in sectors such as the economic, commercial, social, public services, energy, and tourism sectors, as well as in the non-state sector of the economy.

He also referred to the harmful effects of the arbitrary inclusion of Cuba in Washington’s unilateral list of states that allegedly sponsor terrorism, which has reinforced the impact of the blockade in all areas of the country’s socio-economic life.

According to the data presented, from March 1st, 2023 to February 29th, 2024, the blockade caused material damage and harm to Cuba estimated at around 5,056.8 million dollars, which represents an increase of 189.8 million compared to the previous report. He also pointed out that the current challenges of the Cuban reality would have a better and easier solution if Cuba could have access to the considerable resources of which the blockade deprives it.