CORRIGENDUM, RE: Foreign Affairs State Who Is Entitled To Diplomatic Passport


(Banjul September 12th, 2019) In reference to Foroyaa’s Wednesday September 11th, 2019 edition No.169/2019 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Gambians Abroad of the Republic of The Gambia would like to rectify that the Honourable Attorney General and Minister of Justice Abubacarr Tambadou consulted the Foreign Ministry on his request for the issuance of Diplomatic passports to family members to travel to Mecca.

The Ministry regrets any inconvenience the oversight might have caused.     


Saikou Ceesay

For: Permanent Secretary

Meanwhile, in an interview with a Foroyaa reporter earlier, the ministry through its spokesperson said this:

“I would like to state that the Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Ba Tambadou did not apply for the passports through the ministry of foreign affairs. He sent the application to OP and then OP approved it. So we cannot make any further comment on that.”  Read: