Companies That Expect Government To Twist The Arm Of The IEC Are Not Qualified To Get IEC Contract


Any company that goes to a Ministry to get any form of support for the IEC to be influenced to be given contract would not be qualified to receive a contract from the IEC.

Those who want free and fair elections would not support any attempt by any authority to influence the IEC in its decision-making process.

Civil society, especially the media is available to receive any information of foul-play by the IEC in the awarding of contracts for the provision of registration or election materials.

We should build the capacity of private or public companies in the country that would enable us provide election materials. In the absence of that, awarding of contract should be linked to unalloyed capacity to deliver quality products and security features that would make fraud impossible.

The IEC needs Independence to serve all of us. That is what made change possible in 2016.